

Southern Dynasties Yuefu Image of the Women in the Study

【作者】 魏晓梅

【导师】 程世和;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 南朝乐府民歌在我国诗歌史上占有非常特殊的地位,它以前所未有的笔墨塑造了大批生活在城市中的中下层女性形象,倾诉了那个时代城市中下层妇女的喜怒哀乐,刻画了众多的女性形象。本文从文本出发,探讨了南朝乐府中的众多女性形象的特点及其对后世文学所作出的贡献。正文分为三章:第一章主要从南朝乐府所产生的时代背景入手,考察南朝乐府所处的时代特点及其对南朝乐府都市化、商业化特点的影响。南朝的都市发展、商业发达带给人们的享乐主义世界观,在这种社会风气的影响之下,南朝乐府民歌的创作有着明显的商业化和都市化倾向。主要包括两小节:第一节南朝都市化倾向及其时代特征;第二节南朝乐府的都市化倾向。第二章具体从文本入手,对其中的女性形象进行梳理分析,并具体分析她们各自所具有的基本特点,其中的女性形象主要分为三大社会群:一、留守女性及其情感悲剧;二、乐妓及其生存样态:三、都市享乐主义影响下的其他城市女性。主要包括四个小节:第一节南朝乐府以女性为主体的成因分析:第二节留守女性的出现及其悲剧感受:第三节都市享乐主义与歌伎的出现:第四节在都市享乐主义影响下的其他女性。第三章以北朝乐府民歌中的女性形象为对比,归纳总结了南朝乐府中的众多女性形象所具有的共同特点,即南国特色和商业特点。并在此基础上进而论述了南朝乐府民歌所塑造的女性形象对于后世女性形象塑造的影响和意义。主要包括三小节:第一节南国特色:第二节商业特点:第三节南朝乐府民歌女性形象的塑造意义及其影响。

【Abstract】 Southern Dynasties Yuefu folk poetry in the history of China occupies a very special status。More strokes to create unprecedented live in a large number of cities in the image of the middle and lower class women.From the text of this article to explore the Southern Dynasties Yuefu of the many women in the image of the characteristics of future generations and the contributions made by the literature.The text is divided into three chapters:ChapterⅠmainly from the Southern Dynasties Yuefu generated by starting with the background of the times,Southern Dynasties of urban development,commercial development has brought to people the world is hedonism,This flavor of the times will definitely affect the Southern Dynasties Yuefu folk artists,To the creation of the Southern Dynasties Yuefu folk songs brought the tendency of urbanization and the impact of business.ChapterⅡspecific text from the start,one of the female image to sort out analysis,concrete analysis of their own and by the basic characteristics,Mainly divided into three social groups:first, women and their emotional staying tragedy;two,Lok prostitutes and their survival-like state;three, urban hedonism other cities under the influence of women.ChapterⅢand Northern Dynasties Yuefu folk image of the women in the comparison of specific summarized in the Southern Dynasties Yuefu of the many women with the image of the common characteristics,That the characteristics and the southern commercial characteristics,This is obviously different from their produce in the same period of the Northern Dynasties Yuefu folk image of women in the greatest characteristics.


