

The Marketing Website Information Propagation System Design and Realization Based on Virtual Tourism

【作者】 郑鹏

【导师】 马耀峰;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 虚拟旅游是用虚拟现实技术、计算机存储技术、信号数据传输技术等构建在Internet平台上的信息资源群。它通过构建一个虚拟旅游环境,使得参与虚拟旅游的旅游者根据需要选择推荐路线漫游或者利用键盘的方向键和其他功能键配合,调整控制前进、后退和观察角度,在虚拟场景中实现任意视点的浏览和在不同景点之间的漫游,从而获得身临其境般的体验。虚拟旅游并不是一种旅游形式,而是伴随信息化时代到来的一种网络营销手段。它在拓展旅游目的地营销方式等方面有着重要的意义。本文对国内外虚拟现实技术的研究应用现状进行了深入的调研,尤其是虚拟旅游的应用现状,并整理分析了虚拟现实技术的技术支持。同时,以系统论信息论、体验营销理论、旅游决策理论、长尾理论和人机界面等方面的理论为理论基础,对我国网民和虚拟旅游者进行分析,重点研究了虚拟旅游体验和综合信息传播模式的理论营销意义,并提出了建立信息传播系统的设计原则、设计目标、功能模块和功能结构。最后,以陕西省著名景点“大唐芙蓉园”为实例,对旅游营销网站信息传播系统核心部分中鱼眼照片的获取、全景视图的生成、虚拟漫游的设计及系统的编码实现和网络发布做了细致实践,证实了本文提出的虚拟旅游体验、综合信息传播模式的实践意义,并验证了系统的设计思路、方法和技术的可行性,并为将来的进一步的研发工作奠定了基础。通过研究实践,建立了为网络用户提供多方面综合信息服务的信息传播系统。它包括景区虚拟现实、图文介绍、饮食推介、住宿虚拟现实、交通信息、网络聊天、拼客BBS、博客游记、网上购买等多种功能。虚拟旅游营销网站信息传播系统摆脱了以往旅游网站文字介绍、图片展示的单调性,用三维全景、体验交互、聊天交友、文化引导、网上购物等方式促动潜在旅游者内心,使其能够深入而全面的感受旅游景点,达到虚拟旅游、体验营销和信息最大化的目的,以此增大旅游目的地的吸引力,在旅游者中建立忠诚度,并最终使潜在旅游者做出旅游决策。该系统既满足了潜在旅游者获取旅游目的地信息的需要,又成为相关管理部门适应市场、时代变化拓展旅游促销形式的新举措。本文的独特之处:(1)在陕西省自然科学基金项目《基于图像的数字陕西重点景区虚拟旅游研究》基础上,从信息传播和营销角度研究分析了虚拟现实技术在旅游网站中的应用;(2)突破国内目前还没有关于虚拟旅游信息传播模式方面研究的盲点,提出了综合信息传播模式的营销策略;(3)综合运用体验营销、旅游决策、旅游体验等方面的理论,研究了虚拟旅游体验的营销价值;(4)在对虚拟旅游的理论研究的基础上,建立了营销网站信息传播系统并验证了其可行性,为旅游目的地网络信息营销的进一步发展提供了参考。

【Abstract】 Virtual tourism (VT) is a kind of information resources group which is built on internet by using virtual reality technology, computer storage technology, signal data transmission technology. It constructs a VT environment, which can make virtual tourists roaming among different tourism spot in virtual scenes and getting experiences personally when tourists choose the recommended roaming resources they need or use operation keys which can control forward, backward and the point of view. VT is not a tourism style but an internet marketing tool with the arrival of information era. It has important significance in the respect of expanding tourism destination marketing pattern.After deep researching , it analyzes current research situation about VR, especially VT, and analyzes the supporting technology of VR, discusses the IBMR and DVR. Based on the system theory, the information theory, the experience marketing theory, the tourism decision-making theory, the long tail theory, the HMI theory, the paper analyzes travelers’ Internet behavior in China, researches the marketing impacts of virtual tourism experiences and integrated information propagation model, try to build the internet information propagation system with its purpose of experiencing and marketing. At last, taking "Tang Paradise" as an example, this paper verifies the design thought, technology of website creating and laies the foundation for further study.The paper constructs information propagation system which provides one-stop information service for netizens according to research. It contains many functions such as, VR, picture and word introducing, information about catering, lodging, traffic, chat room, BBS, netizens’ travel notes, E-commerce. This system gets rid of monotonicity of traditional text introduction and picture exhibitions, and begin to use three-dimensional panoramic images, interactive experiences, chatting, culture guide and shopping online which can attract more potential tourists and maximize the VT, experience marketing and information, then promote the potential tourists making the decisions. The system is not only satisfying the potential tourists’ needs, but also is a new strategy of adapting market for manage department and expanding market modle. Specialties of the paper are : (l)analyzing the virtual reality technology’s application in the tourism website from information propagating and marketing , (2) raising the marketing strategies of integrated information propagation model which is studied less now, (3) researching marketing value of virtual tourism experiences based on the relative theories, (4)constructing information propagation system, provide the references for the further study.


