

A Study on the Relationship between Learning Styles and the Choice of Listening Strategy in Senior High School

【作者】 周仍侠

【导师】 徐忠慧;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 研究学习风格、听力学习策略及其二者的对应关系,对推动高中英语听力教学具有重要意义。一方面,教师可以据此对学生进行有针对性的策略培训,采用适当的教学方法及教学策略,提高英语听力教学效果;另一方面,学生在掌握了相关的知识后,可以根据自身实际有意识地选择恰当的学习策略,不仅在即时意义上可以提高英语成绩,从长远看也有助于整个学习效率的提高。本论文研究对象是高一年级两个班的112名学生,测量工具是两份综合设计的调查问卷表和四次标准化听力测试。“学习风格调查表”主要采用Reid的相关理论,从感知学习角度将学习风格分为六种,即视觉学习型、听觉学习型、触觉学习型,体验学习型、群体学习型和独立学习型。“听力策略调查表”的设计以O’Malley&Chamot(1990)的学习策略框架为蓝本,参考Oxford(1990)的部分策略综合改编而成,将学习策略分为三大类十八种具体策略。听力试卷的设计思路源于RiChard(1983)和Ur(1984)的相关理论和分类标准,内容采用华东师范大学专为中初级英语学习者设计出版的((Step by StepⅡ》,区别仅在于后测试卷的难度稍大而已。对于统计数据的处理,本研究主要做了三方面的相关性分析:一是对高中学生学习风格与听力理解成绩之间的相关性分析,二是对听力学习策略与听力理解成绩之间的相关性分析,三是对学习风格与学习策略之间的相关性进行分析。其中前两项研究是基础性研究,以听力理解成绩为中介的第三项研究是本论文的重点和着力点。此前的研究虽然对作为单项的学习风格和学习策略两方面都有不少成果,但对二者联系的研究则相对较少而宽泛,基于中国基础教育阶段实际对二者关系的研究则更少。理论联系实际,本项研究的后半段就是根据从调查统计中得出的学习风格与学习策略的对应关系,对受调查对象进行有针对性的策略选择培训,前后测的结果对比证明,调查得出的对应关系是可靠的,据此进行的策略选择培训也是有效果的。通过分析,本调查研究主要有以下发现:1、从个体角度看,大部分调查对象都同时具备多种学习风格,在六种学习风格中,学习者主要是触觉型、独立型和听觉型,群体型是倾向性最低的学习风格。从联系的角度看,学习风格和听力理解水平之间没有显著相关性,学习风格相似的学习者的听力理解水平不具有相似性。2、多数学生有时使用或很少使用学习策略,只有少量学生经常使用学习策略.没有学生一直使用学习策略或从不使用学习策略。总体上看,学生最常用的是认知策略和元认知策略,社会情感策略通常处于一种选择性地位。3、学习策略和听力理解水平之间的相关性。一方面,策略的选择和使用影响着听力成绩,从调查结果看,18种具体策略中有11种与听力理解水平成正相关。另一方面,听力理解水平差异也影响学习者的策略选择和使用,较高水平学习者对策略的选择和使用通常比较低水平学习者频繁。4、学习风格和听力策略之间有相关性,也就是说,调查对象所选择的听力策略与他们的学习风格紧密联系。学习风格影响听力策略的选择和使用,不同学习风格的学习者在其听力学习过程中选择不同的听力策略。5、通过对前测和后测成绩的分析,结果展示根据不同学习风格对学习者进行的听力策略培训对不同听力理解水平的学习者产生的影响分别不同,其中适当的策略培训对低听力理解水平的学习者促进作用最大,对中等水平学习者的促进作用位居第二,而对高水平的学习者的作用最小。本论文对高中英语听力教学的启示。通过研究可以发现,学习者在一段时期内的学习风格是相对固定的,不同风格倾向的学习者应该选择适合自己风格的学习策略,而学习策略的选择是一个动态过程。在此过程中,教师应该有意识地促使学生把学习策略与学习风格结合起来,采取相应的教学方法和手段,帮助学生选择并使用适合自己的有效的学习策略,使学生的学习风格与学习策略选择做到有机结合,营造有利于学生语言学习和习得的个体环境。

【Abstract】 The research about learning styles, listening learning strategies and therelationship between them has great significance to facilitate the listening teaching in senior middle school. On the one hand, the teacher can train learners appropriate listening strategies according to their different learning styles, adopt proper teaching methods and teaching strategies to improve the results of listening teaching; on the other hand, having held the knowledge of learning style and listening learning strategy, learners can choose and use appropriate listening strategies according to their own learning styles in the process of listening learning, consciously, which can improve their listening comprehension achievements now and efficiency of learning in the future.The subjects in this thesis are 112 students from two intact grade-one classes in Xi’an NO.1 middle school. The instruments used in this research are two complicated questionnaires and four standard listening comprehension tests. One of the questionnaires is Perceptual Learning Style Preference Survey (PLSPS), which developed by Joy Reid (1984) consists of thirty items in random in order to allow ESL students to self-identify their preferred learning styles among six categories: visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, group and individual. The other questionnaire, Listening Strategy Inventory for Language Learning, was composed of O’Malley and Chamot’s (1987:287-306) typology of learning strategies, Oxford’s (1990:293-330) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), and author-designed questions on the basis of her own teaching experience. The questionnaire consists of three parts, metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies and social/affective strategies, and can be further divided into 18 sub-strategies altogether, which is used to investigate the state of the choice and use of listening strategies. Based on the theories of Richard (1983), Ur (1984), and the classification modes of western scholars, the carefully designed standard listening comprehension test, of which the listening materials were taken from Step by Step BookⅡ, aims to investigate the subjects’ listening comprehension proficiency.As to the data analysis, there are three aspects correlations analyzed in this thesis. The first one is the correlation between learning styles and listening comprehension achievements in senior middle school learners. The second one is the correlation between listening learning strategies and listening comprehension achievements. The last one is to explore the relationship between different learning styles and the appropriate listening learning strategies. The first two researches belong to the foundational field; the third one is the highlight of the thesis which uses listening comprehension achievements as a variable. Although there are a lot of previous researches about the learning styles and listening learning strategies separately, yet the research about the relationship between them is still blank, especially the research about Chinese primary education is even less. After the data analysis, the finding of the relationship between learning styles and listening strategies in the thesis will be applied into the everyday classroom listening teaching to check and examine the validity of the relationship, the author has combined the theory with practice in the classroom teaching and trained the learners listening strategies according to their different learning styles for about six months. The comparison between the results of the pre-test and the post-test shows that listening strategy training is successful.After data-analysis, there are some important findings:1. Individually speaking, most of the subjects are multiple-style preferences, that is to say they use more than one sense to get necessary information. The highest frequencies are tactile, individual and auditory styles, while the lowest is group style. From the interacting angle, there is insignificant correlation between learning styles and listening achievement, learning styles haven’t direct relationship with listening achievement.2. The majorities of learners sometimes use listening learning strategies or generally not use listening learning strategies, but only a small number of students usually use listening strategies and none always use listening learning strategies. The three categories of listening strategy are ranked from cognitive, metacognitive to social/affective strategies in descending order of frequency of use. Cognitive strategies are the senior students’ most preferred listening learning strategies and metacognitive strategies ranked the second, social/affective strategy is the least one. Among the subcategories of each strategy, some of which are learners’ preferred ones and others are the least used strategies.3. The correlation coefficients show that all the three kinds of listening strategies have significant relationship with listening comprehension. They interact with each other: the choice and use of learning strategies affects listening achievements. Among the eighteen listening strategies, eleven of which have positive relationships with listening achievements. In turn, the different levels of achievements can also influence their choice of listening learning strategies; high-achievement learners choose and use strategies more frequently than low-achievement learners. The learners who use listening learning strategies more frequently have higher achievements in listening learning accordingly, and those who adopt less gain lower achievements.4. There are correlations between learning styles and listening strategies, that is to say, the listening learning strategies the subjects choose are linked to their learning styles. Learning styles affect the choice and use of listening learning strategies; learners with different learning styles choose different strategies in their listening process. The six kinds of learning style learners each have their own preferred listening learning strategy.5. From the analysis about the results of the pre-test and the post-test, the author has found the listening strategy training according to different learning styles has different effects on different proficiency learners, the effect on the low-proficiency learners is the greatest of all, on the medium-proficiency learners is the second and on the high-proficiency learners is the lowest.In practice, this study has significances for senior middle school listening pedagogy. Teachers can make use of the findings about the relationships between learning styles and listening strategies to encourage and help students to choose appropriate listening strategies matching their own style preferences in the process of listening teaching and learning. Teachers can also help train students relevant strategies that are more important for listening achievement or that they use least frequently. Besides, the finding can not only encourage and help teachers adopt teaching methods suitable for learners’ learning styles and strategies, but also make learners accord their choice and use of listening strategies with their learning styles, thus a good language learning environment come into being.


