

Researching the Entertainment of "Lecture Room" by the Theory of Masscult Criticism

【作者】 哈晓光

【导师】 庚钟银;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在当前这个以收视率论成败的电视传媒环境中,《百家讲坛》这档具有一定学术品位的讲座类电视栏目,到目前为止,以每天一期的播出频率在中央电视台科教频道已经生存了近七年的时间。并且在经历了早期的收视低潮以后,竟一度创下非常高的收视率,取得了良好的传播效果,成为央视科教频道乃至整个央视的名牌栏目。而从《百家讲坛》中走出来的易中天、于丹等电视“明星学者”也迅速成为大众眼中炙手可热的红人,其受关注程度决不亚于任何一位当红的娱乐明星。文章正是抓住目前这一大众文化领域的热门话题,试图从大众文化批判的视野出发,抛开《百家讲坛》的学术性和文化品位等品质,重点剖析它的娱乐性,分析它作为一档讲座类电视栏目所具有的一系列娱乐化元素。并且将它的这些娱乐性品质置于大众文化批判的视野下进行反思。用大众文化批判的一些理论,如启蒙辩证法、大众文化的意识形态性、商品性等来观照《百家讲坛》的一些大众文化的特性。以期能够为电视节目(尤其是电视娱乐节目)找到一条打破精英/大众、雅/俗二元对立的出路,为电视栏目最终实现真正的雅俗共赏等方面做一些探索性的工作。在这个各种娱乐节目充斥荧屏的泛娱乐化时代,《百家讲坛》这档讲座类电视栏目借助一些娱乐元素而成功的流行起来,这本身就是传媒界以及文化领域内颇为值得研究的一个热点现象。文章在对《百家讲坛》的娱乐性做出具体界定后,紧密结合《百家讲坛》的文本内容对其诸多娱乐元素做出深入细致的分析和研究。在论文理论展开部分,文章结合大众文化批判学派的一些主要观点,将《百家讲坛》这些娱乐性品质置于大众文化批判的视野下进行正反两方面的反思与审视,在研究和分析它的娱乐品质的意义与价值的同时,从受众角度,反思它的某些娱乐元素对受众所形成的误导和不良影响,从而对它的娱乐性做出一个系统而全面的考察与研究。《百家讲坛》的最重要的品质在于它的雅俗共赏性。其不同于其它具有雅俗共赏品质的节目的重要之处在于它是一个以真实性为前提的引领受众探究“事实真相”的一个动态的过程。在讲座类电视栏目中,《百家讲坛》首先将悬念、冲突等故事化叙事手段、明星制等娱乐元素引入到节目中,打造出一档雅俗共赏的、高收视率的品牌电视栏目。从这个意义上说,《百家讲坛》无疑是开创了一种崭新的娱乐形式。这种娱乐方式是建立在“真实客观”的基础之上的,不同于以往的,只注重于感官的刺激的低级的娱乐方式,而是将节目的内涵提升到关注受众的心灵及精神层面的高级的娱乐享受。因此,《百家讲坛》的最大意义和价值在于它开创了这种崭新的娱乐形式。

【Abstract】 Under the television media environment of judging the program by audience rating, by far,“Lecture Room”which has some academic taste has existed seven years in science and educational channel in CCTV as a TV Column talks. It is a surprise that“Lecture Room”which had experienced low audience rating in early moment has broken the record of audience rating and got a good diffusion effect and became a famous program in science and educational channel even all the CCTV. Yi Zhongtian, Yu Dan and other“academic stars”that appeared in“Lecture Room”became famous stars in people’s eyes quickly and the masses paid attention to them more than any current famous entertainment stars.This thesis is just the one that it grasps the field of masscult which is a popular topic and attempt to start with the sight of masscult criticism. It neglects the technicality and culture taste and other qualities, analyzing its entertainment quality as the important things, and analyses a series of entertainment elements it has as a lecture television program. The thesis takes these entertainment qualities of“Lecture Room”into the sight of masscult criticism and reflects on them. Analyzing some masscult qualities of“Lecture Room”with some theories of masscult criticism such as Dialectics of Enlightenment, the ideology of masscult, commodity nature, this thesis expects to find a way to breaking binary opposition which between the elitism and the masses or between the elegance and the popularity for television programs (especially for the entertainment television programs), and do some exploration works for our television programs suiting both refined and popular tastes.In this Pan-entertainment era the TV screen filled with entertainment programs, it’s a worth studying hot phenomenon that the TV Column talks“Lecture Room”is becoming popular with some entertainment elements. Upon completion of the specific definition about the entertainment quality of“Lecture Room”, the article will make a thorough and meticulous analysis and research for the entertainment quality that hiding behind the content of“Lecture Room”.In the theory part of this thesis, the author will reflect and look at the entertainment quality of“Lecture Room”from both the positive and negative aspects with a point of view of masscult criticism. In the research and analysis of its meaning and value of the entertainment, in order to make a comprehensive inspection, this thesis have to take into account the adverse effects to the audience.Suiting both refined and popular tastes is the most important quality of“Lecture Room”. It is different from other similar TV programs because“Lecture Room”is a dynamic process that takes audience explores the truth of things. As a TV Column talks, the producers of“Lecture Room”first brought some entertainment elements such as the story of the conflict, the suspense and the star system to the TV programs. Without doubt, they made an excellent TV program which suits both refined and popular tastes. In this sense, they are undoubtedly open up a brand-new form of entertainment. Such entertainment is built on the basis of the objective facts. It is different from other TV programs which only focus on the sensory stimulation of low-level entertainment. They will enhance the content of programs and concern audience’s soul. So they made a real enjoyment which concerns audience’s soul. Overall, the greatest significance and value of“Lecture Room”is that it opened up a brand-new form of entertainment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

