

On the Arrangement and Evolution of the Legislature in Early Colonial Pennsylvania (1682-1701)

【作者】 刘博

【导师】 石庆环;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 世界史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在美国自二十世纪六十年代以来,宾夕法尼亚殖民地的历史地位得到重估。它的社会模式和政治形式为美利坚共和国的政治模式的建立提供了重要的经验。研究宾夕法尼亚的政治史及其立法机关的发展史自然也就显得十分重要。对这段历史研究,无疑对于理解美国政治与议会制度的起源与发展有深刻的意义。本文吸取前人的研究成果,辨证地扬弃,立足立法机关的体制研究的视角,力图建立对宾夕法尼亚早期殖民地立法机关演变较为全面的认识。作者以马克思主义哲学思想为指导,利用布罗代尔年鉴学派史学研究理论,尝试运用历史学、政治学、立法学等学科的分析方法,参阅大量原始资料,深入分析宾夕法尼亚殖民地立法机关设置与演变背后的历史事件、结构和局势的脉络和关系。本文不仅分析历史偶然事件以及政治经济宗教因素对于历史发展的作用,同时也关注长时段的局势性因素,如政治文化传统、政治制度发展史等方面对于宾夕法尼亚立法机关的设置及演变的影响。本文主体共分为三部分。第一部分为绪论,介绍本文的选题缘起、写作思路以及国内外的研究动态。第二部分是正文。第三部分是结论。其中正文部分包括四章:第一章分析宾夕法尼亚立法机关产生与设置的思想、宗教及其社会渊源;第二章分析宾夕法尼亚立法机关的设置;第三章梳理立法机关演变的脉络,总结其主要特点;第四章分析宾省立法机关权力的变化及其成因,总结立法机关的历史影响。本文认为宾夕法尼亚早期殖民地立法机关的设置与其后的演变是英国国内宗教政治经济斗争在北美的延续,它同时也是殖民者集团权利斗争的结果。在特殊的利益、宗教、政治环境下,由一批激进的殖民者为维护个人利益而利用成文宪法对立法权的争夺。宾夕法尼亚立法机关的循序渐进地演变背后是一次次激烈的政治斗争。宾夕法尼亚的这段立法机关的演进的历史为美国的政治文化的发展提供了有益的教材,有着极其重要的历史价值。

【Abstract】 The historic status of colonial Pennsylvania has been reevaluated since 1960s in America. Its social mode and political situations have provided important experience for the founding of political mode of the United States of America. Therefore, it seems to be of vital importance to study the history of politics in Pennsylvania and the development of its legislation. And, it is undoubted that the study on the history of this period of time would of great significance for understanding the origin and development of American politics and its parliamentarism.Basing on the study of legislature system, this article strives to establish a comparatively overall understanding on the legislature of early colonial Pennsylvania by studying the achievements of former researches, and dialectically selects any of good use. Under the guidance of Marxism philosophy, this article penetrates into the frames and relations of historical structure, conjoncture,événement concerning the arrangement and evolution of Pennsylvanian legislature by applying Fernand Braudel’s theory of Annal School, as well as analytical methods of such subjects as historiography, political science and legislative science. This article not only analyzes the effects of incidental events and political and religious factors on historical development, but also pays attention to the influences of long-term situational factors on the arrangement and evolution of Pennsylvanian legislature, such as political and cultural traditions, the development of political system.This article is divided into three parts. The first part is introduction, in which the reasons for choosing this topic, writing arrangement and foreign and domestic research trends are introduced. The second part is main body of the article and the third part is conclusion. The main body includes four chapters, with the first chapter analyzing the ideological, religious and social origins of the designing of Pennsylvanian legislature, the second chapter analyzing the arrangement of Pennsylvanian legislature, the third chapter sorting out the frame of its evolution and summarizing its features, the fourth chapter analyzing the changes of legislative powers in Pennsylvania and the reasons causing them and summarizing the historic influences of the legislature. The author holds that the arrangement and evolution of Pennsylvanian legislature is continuation of religious, political, and economic struggles of England in New World. At the same time, it is also consequences of struggles for power among colonists groups. Under special circumstances of interests, religion and politics, the struggles for power to initiative laws are conducted by a group of radical colonists, who aim to protect their own interests. Beneath the surface of the evolutions of the Pennsylvanian legislature, there lay drastic political struggles. The history of the evolution of Pennsylvanian legislature is of vital historic importance in that it provides good textbook for American’s political and cultural developments.

【关键词】 美国早期宾夕法尼亚立法机关议会演变
【Key words】 early AmericaPennsylvanialegislatureassemblyevolution
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期

