

A Comparative Study of the Hero Image of Life between China and the West

【作者】 党云峰

【导师】 刘铁;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 首先,本文界定生命英雄的定义和精神本质:生命英雄是在极限困境中具有超越意识并具有超越能力,从而呈现出崇高人性光辉的人,其精神本质在于崇高的超越意识。生命英雄的使命是向人生的种种磨难宣战;生命英雄的超人之处在于向人的生命的极限挑战并超越它;生命英雄的价值在于:通过他们以生命换荣誉、换尊严的悲壮行为,从前所未有的角度,震撼人心地展示了人的生命价值。人是文化的动物,而文化是人类在面对生存困境时所建立起来的观念,因此,文学的根也应当是人类的生存困境。由于生命英雄身处极限困境中,在他们的的身上更能萃取出人类精神的瑰宝。生命英雄的渊源主要是上古神话中所体现的反抗精神和中古信仰中所体现的生命追求,此时中西已经呈现差异,即中国向内的心动和西方向外的行动的不同。这两阶段的主角是神,直到西方的启蒙时代和中国的五四之后,理性确立自身的地位,人依靠自身的力量站立起来,生命英雄才真正开始出现。本文的第一部分是中西生命英雄形象的梳理,本章是本文的创新之处。西方文化所呈现的时代差异突出,因此,本节对西方的生命英雄形象的疏理以近代西方按时间先后的四个思潮:启蒙主义文学、浪漫主义文学、现实主义文学和现代主义文学为主线,以纵向梳理为视域,彰显历史语境下生命英雄形象的时代沿革。由于中国文化的突出特点是儒释道三家的融合,因此,对中国生命英雄形象的梳理建立在对三家简述的基础上,以时间顺序梳理。第二部分着重论述生命英雄的精神特质:其共同点体现在超越平庸的出发意识、超越对手的挑战意识和超越自我的反思意识等;其不同点主要是天人合一与灵肉二分、关注此岸与向往彼岸和塑造英雄群像与塑造英雄个体等。第三部分着重论述生命英雄的局限,主要包括作为类存在的局限和作为个体存在的局限,正是这种局限造就了生命英雄的悲剧美和崇高美。本文第四部分的内容着重论述生命英雄的美学意义,这主要分两方面:一是在现实领域中,面对极限困境奋力拼搏,然而由于对手的力量远远超过自身而使生命英雄遭遇不幸,所体现的悲剧美;另一方面,在精神领域,即使生命英雄遭遇了不幸,但他奋发向上的拼搏精神、坚强意志仍然给人以震撼,从而体现出崇高美。第五部分通过生命英雄形象所体现的生与死以及祸与福的辩证关系探讨该形象的哲学内涵。最后得出结论。当今学界对本选题的研究多为单篇论述而未做系统阐述,本文从谱系梳理、精神挖掘、美学意蕴、哲学内涵等从多角度多层面,综合运用比较文学的平行与影响研究方法,旁涉宗教学、民俗学、神话学以及美学理论,解读生命英雄这一给人类增添信心与力量的文学形象。人通过与极限困境的对抗,证实自身价值的同时,也使自身的思想境界得到提升而成为永恒价值的化身。生命英雄面对极限困境所激发的斗志,唤醒了人的尊严,实现了人的价值。

【Abstract】 First of all, the paper defined the definition of the hero of life and the spirit of it’s nature: The hero of Life is a hero in a limit environment beyond awareness of the plight of people, the spirit of the noble nature is consciousness of beyond.Human’s nature is cultural animal, and culture established by the plight that human in the face of difficulties, therefore, literature should also be the root of mankind’s survival plight.As the hero of life in limit difficulties in their extraction, it’s better to see human’s spirit.The hero’s main source of life is embodied in the ancient myth of the rebellious spirit and the belief in the Middle Ages embodied in the pursuit of life, at this time already had dividing line between China’s inside and West’s outside in the field of action.The two stages’ main characters are gods, until the Age of Enlightenment in west and the May 4 in China, rational establish their own status, people rely on its own strength to stand up, the real heroes of life began to appear.In the first part of this paper China and West’s the life of hero image would be showed, this chapter is the innovation of this paper.As the prominent characteristics of China’s culture is Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism three of the differences, therefore, the China’s the hero of life image carding established on the basis of the three expositions, and to explore their difference and integration.Presented by West’s culture and the era difference is outstanding, therefore, this section of the West’s life of hero image would be showed by the West’s four stage, Enlightenment, romanticism literature, realism literature and modern literature.By this main line we may see the history of the hero of life.The second part focuses on the hero of life’s sprit.Their common points are such as beyond mediocrity by the starting awareness, stay ahead of the competition, beyond the challenges of self-awareness and sense of reflection.Their different points are harmony between man and nature or souls and body separate, longing for heaven or world, and shaping collective heroes or individual, and so on.The third part focuses on the life of hero’s limit, confined mainly as a category and as a case, those created their tragedy and sublime, and the tragedy and sublime is the fifth part’s content of this article. The fourth part of the contents of this paper focuses on the aesthetic sense of life heroes, mainly in two aspects: First, in reality in the field, in the face of extreme hardship worked hard, but because the opponent’s strength far greater than their own heroes life experience, unfortunately, The tragedy embodied in aesthetic on the other hand, in the spirit of the field, even the unfortunate experience of life hero, but he’s fighting spirit of making progress, the firm will continue to shock people, which reflects sublime.Part five through the hero of life image’s dialectics such as life and death, disaster and happiness to show their philosophical connotation.Finally concluded.This article from multi-angle and multi-level, comprehensive use of the comparative literature in parallel study and influence study methods, religious, folklore, mythology and aesthetic theory to interpretation the hero of life that added confidence and strength for human.People with the plight of the ultimate confrontation, confirmed the value of their own, but also to their own ideological realm enhancement and become the embodiment of eternal values.The face of extreme difficulties of life heroes inspired by the spirit, wake-up call for human dignity, to achieve the human values.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

