

Inquiry of Ancient China’s of Decorating Advertising

【作者】 李辉

【导师】 刘凤君;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 招幌,是“招牌”和“幌子”,二者的复合式通称。是工商及其他诸行业以图形、色彩、文字等视觉元素向社会和消费者宣传其经营内容、商品、特点、价格以及档次等信息,以招徕生意的标志性广告方式,是一种特定的行业经营标志和信誉标志,一种标榜手段,也是一种通过视觉传播的传统广告民俗与民俗语言艺术。历史悠久的中国传统招幌和招徕市声,作为一种具有特定社会功能的民间商业文化艺术形态,显示了鲜明的民族性和较强的传承性特质。然而将传统招幌艺术纳入科学视野作为一方研究领域,以科学地把握这一历史文化遗产,不过是近二十年来的事情,这其中又是以从民俗学的角度出发为主,着重研究招幌的社会、历史、经济等方面的综合文化价值,同时结合广告学和艺术设计的角度来进行深入分析的又较少,常见的多是一些介绍性的文章。本文则力图在前人研究的基础上依据现有的各方面资料,着重对招幌的艺术价值和文化内涵做一粗浅的探讨,希望将古代招幌艺术及招徕市声作为广告和民俗艺术的一门综合语言来研究,通过对招幌的各种形态的分类以及历史发展的梳理,来探寻其文化意义,以求对今天的广告设计起到建设性的作用。本文共分五个部分:第一章分为两节,主要对招幌和广告的概念、研究现状分别做一个总结性的介绍。第二章分为两节,第一节着重讲述各类招牌的特征、用途,第二节内容是各种形制的幌子的分析介绍。第三章是本文的重点。主要内容是把招幌的发展过程分为四个历史阶段详细解述,介绍了招幌是如何产生并逐渐丰富、成熟起来,并呈现出多姿多彩的形态的。第四章是阐述招幌对现代广告设计的影响,分别从传统文化观念和广告设计理念两个大的方面来探讨。由于资料匮乏,而且本人才疏学浅,掌控材料的能力有限,以前也没有历史方面的研究经验,所以文中纰漏必不在少数,恐难经推敲,万望不致贻笑大方。希望老师们多多指教,以使学生得到更快的成长。

【Abstract】 Signboard and MARK are generally called SHOP SIGNS. It is a symbolic advertisement used by industry, commerce and other professions to drum up business, in which the messages about their se rice , commodity , price and level are advertised to consumers in the society with visual elements such as charts, color, characters and so on. It is a tradional advertising folk custom and art as well as a business symbol and credit symbol.With a long history , Chinese traditional shop signs is characterized with strong nationality and inheritance as a folk custom culture and art with a particular social function. The art of traditional shop signs has not been researched scientifically until recent twenty years. Mainly from the angle of folk custom, the research is stressed on its comprehensive cultural value in society, history and economy. There are less deep analysises from the angle of ads and art design, and most of them are the introducing articles. Based on the previously achieved researching results, the author tries to probe into the art value and cultural connotation of SHOP SIGNS according to the existing information, hoping to study the ancient shop signs as a comprehensive language of ad and folk custom art. By classifing all kinds of shop signs and combing their historical development, we explore their cultural meaning and constructive function in ad design today.This article is divided into five parts:The first part , divided into three sections, mainly makes a summary introduction to the concepts of shop signs ad and the researching status.The second part includes two parts. The first part emphatically narrates the characteristics and the usages of SHOP SIGNS; the second part analyzes the types of various signboards and character signs.Third chapter is the body of the article. The main content of this part devide the historical development process of SHOP SIGNS into four parts to narrate in detail, introducing how SHOP SIGNS have come into being and enriched and finally become a miracle in the Chinese culture history.The fourth part is to explain the effect of shop signs on modern ad design, respectively discussing from two aspects traditional cultural value and ad design idea.

【关键词】 招幌广告传统文化设计理念
【Key words】 shop signsadvertisementtraditional culturedesign idea
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期
  • 【分类号】F713.8
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】471

