

Comparative Study of Tea Culture of China and Russia

【作者】 邹丽娟

【导师】 王广振;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国是茶的故乡,也是最早发现和利用茶的国家,茶在中国已经有几千年的历史。茶在很早以前就作为中国的骄傲和友好的使者走出国门,受到了包括俄罗斯在内的世界各国人民的欢迎,成为世界四大饮品之首。作为饮品的同时,也被人们赋予了丰富的精神内涵,为世界文化做出了不可磨灭的贡献。茶从药用、祭祀、食用,发展到饮用;茶自中国云贵川森林被发现利用,又传入中国的大江南北,向世界各国传播;茶从饮料这种物质形态,后被人们赋予了丰富的精神内涵。茶文化糅合了中国儒、道、佛诸派思想,独成一体,是中国文化中的一朵奇葩。茶从中国走向世界,无论从人类的健康角度,还是精神领域来说,茶对人类的贡献都是功不可没的。茶作为友好的使者,早在十六世纪就已经开始了中俄间的茶叶贸易史,成为两国茶文化交流的起源和前提。世界上所有饮用茶的国家,均直接或间接地受到中国的影响。茶叶,作为人类文明的使者,从中国传播到了世界多数国家。茶文化在中国的产生是从儒家积极入世的思想开始的。在政治家的眼中,茶是提倡廉洁、对抗腐败奢侈之风的工具;而词赋家则认为,茶是引发思维以助清醒的手段;佛家则把茶看做是禅定入静的必备之物。唐朝陆羽的《茶经》奠定了中国茶文化的理论基础,是一个划时代的标志。中国茶文化作为中华悠久文化的一个重要组成部分,几千来与世界各国文化交融,形成了人类璀璨辉煌的茶文化。俄罗斯的茶文化发展也经历了几百年波折的历史,从沙皇时期茶树的栽培,到成为茶叶的生产国之一,俄罗斯人民对茶的忠爱始终是茶文化发展的主要动力。与中国相比,俄罗斯的茶文化既具有鲜明的本国特色,在很多方面也具有相同之处。随着中俄两国经济文化交流的发展,茶文化加深了两国人民间的友谊,增进了相互间的了解,中俄两国的灿烂的茶文化将成为世界文化史上亮丽的一页。

【Abstract】 China is the homeland of tea and the country which found and used tea earliest with the history of several thousand years .Tea, one of the four major drinkings, who became the envoy of friendship has been exported to the world with warmly welcome all over the world including Russians. What’s more, as the model of beverage, it is also enriched with spiritual intension and cultural connotation, and made indelible contributions to the development of international culture.Tea was used in medicine, sacrifice, food, and finally as drink. Tea was discovered from the forest of Yu Nan, Gui Zhou, Si Chuan to all the south and north, east and west of china, and spread all the way to other countries throughout the world. From the material form of tea, spiritual connotation was evolved. The tea culture mixed Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. It has its own special system and become the exotic flower in Chinese culture. Tea played an important role in people’s daily life in both material and spirit. As the medium of friendship, tea had been traded between China and Russia as early as the 16th century, which became the origin and prerequisite of the culture interaction between the two countries.All the countries in the world that consume tea are affected by China directly or indirectly. Tea leaves, as the medium of civilization, has been spread to many counties in the world.The tea culture stems from the thought of participating in the material world by Confucianism. For politicians, tea is the tool for advocating being honest and clean and fighting against corruption. For poets, tea is the tool to develop a good mood and productive thinking. For Buddhists, tea is the necessity to sit in meditation. Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty and his tea science, tea art, tea ceremony, and Book of Tea, are the milestone which formed the basis of Chinese tea culture. As an important part of Chinese long history, tea culture has merged with cultures of different countries during thousands of years and developed into the glorious tea culture of the human beings.The tea culture of Russia also has developed through hundreds of years. Form the plant of tea trees in the tsar era to becoming the production country of tea, the love of tea by Russian people has always been the driving force of the development of tea culture. Compared with that of China, the Russian tea culture has its own characteristics. But the two cultures also share common areas. As the interaction between the cultures of two countries, the tea culture has enhanced the friendship between the two nations, and boosted the understanding. The tea culture of the two countries will become spectacular part of the world literary history.

【关键词】 中国俄罗斯茶文化文化交流
【Key words】 ChinaRussiateatea culturecultural exchange
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】TS971
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1132

