

Sweden Green Development Path to Our Country Ecological Civilization Construction Enlightenment

【作者】 李开传

【导师】 徐艳玲;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “建设生态文明”是十七大提出的重要目标之一,也是中国社会经济发展过程中所面临的必然选择。改革开放三十年以来,随着中国经济的腾飞,一些与经济发展不和谐的因素也随之凸现,环境问题成为了制约中国社会经济进一步发展的瓶颈。从目前我国的社会经济发展情况来看,以牺牲自然环境为代价的经济发展模式还没有根本改变,环境问题还没有根本解决。要实现“建设生态文明”的目标,走出一条有中国特色的“绿色发展道路”,应该多学习和借鉴其他国家好的发展经验和发展思路。本文对瑞典的“绿色发展道路”进行了研究和总结,同时对我国走“绿色发展道路”的必要性进行了分析,并以此为依据总结了瑞典经验对我国生态文明建设的重要启示。本文导语部分从宏观上,对瑞典“绿色发展道路”的过程、现状,以及未来计划进行了概述;同时也概括了我国经济发展过程中所面临的“高污染、高消耗”问题。概括了绿色发展道路的定义,指出我国生态文明建设应借鉴瑞典经验。第一章从微观上,对瑞典绿色发展道路的理论和实践进行了详细的介绍和研究。理论部分从环保体制、制度政策、能源政策、绿色税收、林业制度政策等方面进行了分析介绍,实践部分从发展新能源、循环经济、资源节约、生态农业、绿色生产消费、环境教育及绿色学校发展、政府引导等方面进行了阐述。并从中挖掘了许多借鉴意义。第二章从马克思生态文明思想、工业文明的弊端、生态文明的基本内涵、走绿色发展道路是我国生态文明建设的必经之路几方面论述了走绿色发展道路是我国生态文明建设的必然要求。第三章从六个方面提出了瑞典绿色发展道路对我国生态文明建设的启示意义。本章认为中国应该借鉴瑞典经验建立符合我国国情的“环境立法体系”,实现“绿色生态税收”,发展“生态农业”,强化“公众参与”,建设“节约型社会”,走“有中国特色的绿色发展道路”。结束语提出了尽管生态文明建设会遇到很多困难,我们也要尽最大努力去迎接挑战。借鉴先进经验,走绿色发展道路,为建设生态文明,建设小康社会打下牢固基础。

【Abstract】 "To promote an ecological civilization" is one important goal put forward in the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, also the inexorable choice that China faces when promoting its economic and social development. During the last three decades since reforming and opening-up, as China has made great achievements in economy, a lot of factors disharmonious with economy appeared. Environmental protection has become a bottleneck that hinges China’s further development in economy and society. Present situations of China’s economic and social development are: the economic pattern that sacrifices environment for growth has not been radically changed; environmental problems have not been thoroughly solved. Thus, to achieve the goal promoting an ecological civilization, to make a green development path with Chinese characteristics, China should learn and take advantage of other countries’ experience. This paper studies "green development path" of Sweden, analyses the necessity that China takes "green development path" and sum up the inspiration that Sweden’s experience makes on China’s ecology civilization promotion.The lead of this paper macroscopically introduces "green development path" of Sweden from the process, status quo and future program. By summing up problems like "severe pollution" "excessive energy cost" that China is facing in its economic and social development and defining "green development path", it points out that China should use Sweden’s ecological civilization promotion for reference.Chapter one introduces and studies the theory and practice of "green development path" of Sweden at length from a microcosmic angle. The theory part analyses the environmental protection system, energy policy, green revenue, forestry policy, etc. while the practice part talks about new energy development ,circulative economy ,resource economizing ,ecology agriculture, green production consumption, environment education ,as well as green schools and government leading. From all above, China can collect a lot for reference.Chapter two discusses the points of Marxism ecological civilization the malpractice of the industrial civilization. The basic connotation of ecological civilization and concludes that it is inevitable for China to take the "green development path".Chapter three reveals the inspiration that Sweden gives China in promoting ecological civilization. This chapter holds that China should draw on Sweden’s experience to build an environmental legal system in line with its national condition, realize green ecological revenue, develop eco-agriculture, strengthen the public’s participation, build itself into a society focusing on thrift, and take "green development path" with Chinese characteristics.The concluding part concludes that although confronted with many difficulties, China should try its best to face up the challenges by using the advantage experience for reference and taking the green development path , and form a solid base for promoting ecological civilization and building a well-off society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】X321
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】788

