

The Cultural Differences between China and the West Reflected in Movies

【作者】 王国锋

【导师】 韩英;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文主要依托《刮痧》、《推手》、《喜宴》这三部著名的影片,以影片中反映中西文化差异的生动情节为切入点描述了中西方文化在各个层面上的差异,分析并指出造成中西文化差异的原因。本文主要创新点在于将这三部影片中所反映出来的中西文化的差异做了一个比较全面的概括和分析。通过研究分析,发现由于中西方在哲学观点、思维模式、民族传统、处世态度以及对待自然的态度上的差异,中西文化冲突的存在是必然的。然后在此基础上探讨了解决中西文化冲突的方法。第一章主要对《刮痧》、《推手》、《喜宴》这三部影片的剧情做了简要的介绍。第二章主要讲述了中西文化差异在三部影片中的具体体现,以影片的具体情节为导线,从中西方伦理的和传统文化的差异的角度对这些情节进行了分析。内容主要涉及家庭之伦、父子之伦、朋友之伦、性伦理、对传统文化的不同理解、面子观、法律文化和饮食文化等。第三章主要在第一章的基础上分析了造成中西方文化差异的原因。从自然环境、哲学观点、思维模式、民族传统、处世态度、社会结构与管理形式以及对待自然的态度上等方面入手进行了分析,发现中西方文化差异的产生并不是一朝一夕的事情,也不是某一种因素单独作用的结果,它是在几千的历史长河中各种因素综合作用的结果。第四章主要探讨了中西文化的出路问题。首先批判了在中西文化交流中出现的两种错误观点:全盘西化和完全排斥西学;然后论述了加强中西方文化的交流与融合才是中西文化发展的唯一道路这一论点。

【Abstract】 This paper describes the differences in various aspects in Chinese culture and the western culture on the basis of the analysis of the vivid plots which reflect the China-West cultural differences in the movies "Guasha", "Pushing Hands" and "The Wedding Banquet". Then it analyzes the causes which lead to the cultural differences.What is new in this paper is that it makes an overall summary and analysis of the cultural differences reflected in the three movies. The results show that the cultural differences between China and the West are bound to be there due to the differences in perspective of philosophical ideas, mode of thinking, national customs, mentalities and attitudes, religious belief and the attitude towards nature. It also probes the ways to solve the cultural conflicts on the basis of that.Chapter One briefly describes the main plots of the three movies.Chapter Two mainly describes the cultural differences between China and the West in the three movies and then analyzes these plots from the angle of the differences in Chinese and western ethics and the traditional cultures.Chapter Three mainly analyzes the causes leading to the cultural differences between China and the West on the basis of Chapter One. This chapter focuses on the analysis of the different geographic environment, perspective of philosophical ideas, mode of thinking, national customs, mentalities and attitudes, religious beliefs, social structures and management styles and the attitudes towards nature. The result shows that the formation of the cultural differences between China and the West is neither the work of a single-day, nor the result of a certain element. Instead, it is the result of the comprehensive elements in the long history.Chapter Four mainly probes the solution to the cultural conflicts between China and the West It starts with the criticism over two wrong ideas in the China-West cultural exchanges: the wholesale Westernization and the complete rejection against western culture. Then it puts forward the opinion that the only way for the development of the Chinese culture and the Western culture is to strengthen the exchanges and blending between the two cultures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】9166

