

An Analysis of the Question of Taiwan "National Self-Determination" at International Law Position

【作者】 韩燕利

【导师】 李道刚;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 民族自决在殖民主义时代主要是指在外国奴役和殖民统治下的被压迫民族有权自由决定自己的政治命运,摆脱殖民统治,建立独立的民族国家的权利;在后殖民时代主要指各民族国家自由决定其政治地位、社会、经济和法律制度,自由处置其自然财富和资源的权利。民族自决权理论最初是作为马克思主义处理民族问题的一个基本原则,它的实现是需要一定条件的。后来,民族自决权成为国际法中的一项重要的基本原则,在一定的历史时期发挥了应有的作用。但在当今社会,运用民族自决权理论解决民族问题、人权问题或者用以稳定国际秩序等,则需要诸多的要求和限制。近年来台湾社会中,“台独”声势一直风起云涌,“台独”分裂势力企图以所谓公民投票方式决定台湾前途,并积极寻求国际法法理支持台湾以“民族自决”的方式开拓国际空间,重返国际社会,国际上一些国家也图谋使台湾问题国际化。台湾问题关系到中国的主权和领土完整,关系到中国的统一和稳定。因此,本文从民族自决的科学内涵入手,在国际法基本理论指导下,深入分析了台湾“民族自决”问题,论证了通过适用“民族自决权”原则解决台湾问题的违法性,提出解决台湾问题的法律建议,对解决台湾问题具有一定的理论指导意义。论文包括四个部分:一、阐述国际法中的“民族自决”问题。首先从权利创设的内在价值入手,明确该权利的内涵与外延。从民族自决的产生发展过程及在实践中运用的历史意义,总结出民族自决的科学含义以及它在国际法上的定位。采用历史与逻辑的方法。“民族自决权”的内容包括两个方面:一是对于受殖民统治或外国军事侵略和占领下的民族来说,民族自决权就是摆脱殖民统治,建立或恢复独立的主权国家的权利;二是各民族国家有权不受外来干涉地决定其政治地位,自由选择适合其自身发展的社会、政治和法律制度,自由追求经济、社会及文化的发展,自由处置其自然财富和资源的权利。民族自决在国际法上是一个历史范畴,随着社会历史条件的不断变化和时代主题的转换,民族自决的基本含义也在不停地演变。它作为国际法的一项基本原则,也不断地被融入新的时代特征。通过列举民族自决权在世界上的运用及其效果。分析比较该权利运用的历史背景和运用后的社会效果,总结其中的规律性。采用历史与比较的方法。二、论证台湾不具备“民族自决”的条件。民族自决原则并不是一个可以不加限制任意使用的原则,行使这一权利需要具备一定的主体资格和社会历史条件。这一部分从权利应用的规律性与台湾问题的历史和现状加以对比印证的事实分析台湾哪些条件不符合行使“民族自决”的要求。同时介绍台湾问题的由来,说明该问题产生和解决的必然性。介绍台湾当局和一些政党以民族自决为幌进行“台独”的发展过程,分析这一言论可能导致的各种结果。采用历史与比较的方法。三、揭示出台湾“民族自决”问题的违法本质。台湾“民族自决”问题的实质是,台湾当局和一些政党假借行使“民族自决权”之名,欲意通过“公投”决定台湾的政治地位,实际上是分裂国家、破坏国家统一和领土完整的行为。这一行为是对国家主权的挑战,不仅违背了主权不容侵犯和不可分割原则,而且违背了联合国宪章和国际惯例,是一种国际不法行为,应该受到国际社会的谴责。采用逻辑的方法。四、对民族自决原则的再思考。对民族自决原则今后的历史使命进行了延伸性的设想。并最终形成结论性观点,台湾问题属于中国的内政问题,不能适用国际法上的民族自决权原则,台湾问题应通过国内法来解决。和平解决台湾问题,符合当今国际社会追求安全、发展和人权这一共同愿望,有利于和平与发展这两大世界问题的解决。本文在国际法视野下,既充分运用法理和史实,又紧密结合国内外形势,进行了一次运用国际法原理论证国内民族问题的大胆尝试。笔者力求通过此次理论探讨和法理辨析,探索从法律上解决台湾问题的途径。

【Abstract】 The right of national self-determination refers to the independent right of the colony or the nations that are being invaded and captured by foreign military,and the right of every nation to decide whose folitical status,social,folitical and legal insituations system freely,to deal with whose natural wealth and resource freely.The right of self-determination theory takes the Marxism processing national question as a basic principle originally, its reality needs the controlled condition. Afterward, the right of self-determination became an important basic principle in international law, it has played the proper role in certain historical period. But nowadays,it needs many requres and limits to solve national question,human rights and stable international orderly by using its."Independence of Taiuan" impetus overtops one wave in recent years in Taiwan society."Independence of Taiwan"separatists forces always advocates that the so-called referendum decides Taiwan’s future. They seek international law legal principle to support Taiwan to open up international space with the "national self-determination" way,and return to the international community. A few countries also conspire to make the question of Taiwan internationalization. The question of Taiwan is related to China’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the unification and stability. Therefore, the thesis has started with the scientific connotation of national self-determination, guided by fundamental theory of international law, and has analysed the Taiwan"national self-determination"problem in depth. The thesis also has expounded and proven its illegal nature by applying to "the right of nations of self-determination" principle. It has submitted the law suggestion of the settlement of the Taiwan question ,and has had cetain theory guiding significance to the Taiwan question.The thesis consists of four parts:Ⅰ,setting forth "national self-determination "problem in international law. First, starting with the inherent value that right creates ,it makes clear the connotation and extension of the right. From the national self-determination creation developing process and history significance in practice,the thesis sums up its scientific connotation and its allocation in international law,adopting history and logical method . The content of "the right of self-determination "contains two aspects: first,to the nations which are seized or invaded by the foreign military, the right of self-detemanation is to get rid of the colonial rule, establish or restore the independent sovereign state; Second, without being interfered by the outside,every nation has the right to decide its political status, to choose the social, political and the legal regime, which suit its own development ;to pursue the economical, social and the cultural development ,and to handle its natural wealth and the resources freely. National self-determination in international law is a historical category. With the changing of social historical condition and the subject of times, the basic connotation of self-determination also keeps transforming. It is an item base of international law. It is also molten to new features of the times unceasingly. By listing the applications and their effects of the right of national self-determination in the world, analying and comparing the historical setting and social effect that is used, the thesis sums up regularity among them. It adopts history and parallel method.Ⅱ:The thesis expounds and proves that Taiwan doesn’t satisfy national self-determination’s requirements. National self-determination principle is really not the principle which can’t not be restricted. Exercising this right repuires to satisfy certain main body qualification and social historical condition. From the fact which was proved by comparing the regularity that right is applied with the history and current of Taiwan, this part analyses the requirement which doesn’t accord with exercising national self-detemination. It introduces an origin of the Taiwan issue at the same time, and shows the certainty of the questions coming into being and solving. By the introduction of the process which the Taiwan authorities and a few political parties put "Independence of Taiwan" into practice taking national self-determination as a heavy curtain, it analyses the vavious results that this remarks possibly leads to . It adpots history and parallel method.Ⅲ:The thesis reveals out the illegal nature of Taiwan "national self-determination" problem. Taiwan "national self-determination"essense of the problem is that the Taiwan authorities and a few political parties make use of exercising "the right of national self-determination "to decide the political statues of Taiwan by "public throws". In fact it is the behavior of spiliting the country , destroying national unification and the territorial integrity. It is the challenge to the state sovereignty, not only having gone against the principle of inviolable and indivisible sovereign right , but also have gone against the international commcn practice of charter of the United Nations .It is one kind of international illegal act.Ⅳ: The thesis thinks again the national self-dedermination principle deeply. It carries out the stretching extentative plan of historic mission on national self-determination principle in the days to come ,and form the conclusion view point ultimately. The questin of Taiwan belongs to the internal affair of China problem. The question of Taiwan should be solved by the domestic law, not applying to the right of national self-determination principle in international law .That’s to say, we wish that international community in the nowadays rans after safety development and human rights. It benefis for solving the two world questions : peace and development.The thesis not only wields legal principle and historical facts sufficiently, but also combining situation both at home and abroad rapidly and intensely. It carries out the attempt which applies international law principle to expound and prove homeland problem from the view of international law. The author makes every effort to probe the settlement approach of the Taiwan question legally by this theory investigation and legal discrimination.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期

