

The Practical Application of Pulse Power Supply in PCB Plating

【作者】 王立新

【导师】 姚福安;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 检测技术与自动化控制, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着电子工业的飞速发展,表面贴装技术可以使电子产品降低价格、缩小体积、使产品微型化、提高产品的可靠性。由于印制电路板体积的缩小,势必要加密导线、缩小线距、增加层次。承担电路板多层间导电作用的导通孔也设计得越来越密,孔径越来越小。这对双面及多层电路板制造过程中的关键工序—镀铜提出了更高的要求。根据我国目前的印制板电镀工艺现状,研究一种电镀速度快、镀层均匀、穿孔能力强、控制精度好的新型节能型电镀电源—脉冲电镀电源具有很强的现实意义。本文首先介绍了脉冲电镀的原理、脉冲参数选择依据以及脉冲参数对镀层质量的影响,在此基础上又对反向脉冲电镀作了简单介绍。通过对脉冲电镀的原理分析可知,在脉宽、周期、占空比、电流幅度选择合适的情况下,脉冲电镀能使镀层结晶细密、纯度高、均匀性好、延展性强、抗腐蚀性能强。本文研制的脉冲电源采用开关电源作为直流供电电源,进行恒压/恒流调节;采用直流斩波原理对直流电进行斩波控制从而得到一系列脉宽可调的正负脉冲;通过单片机进行调节输出电压/电流的大小、脉冲的宽度和频率。该脉冲电源输出的是正反向脉宽可调的脉冲(可变换为完全正向脉冲),在反向脉冲电镀的阳极电流部分实质上是一个“退镀”过程,类似电抛光,即将阴极电流脉冲中所获得沉积层的毛刺溶解除去,改善复杂形状镀层的厚度分布,从而起到整平作用。该电源具有体积小、重量轻、高效、节能、电流/电压恒定自动调整功能、正反向脉宽可调、电镀效果好等特点,特别适合高校实验室、工程训练中心、企业研发中心使用。该脉冲电源用于印制板镀铜上,印制板表面铜层与孔壁铜层“厚度比”能趋近1∶1,深孔镀层出现的不良“狗骨”现象能得到改善。与直流电镀相比,在相同镀铜厚度的要求下可节省时间30%左右;板面镀铜厚度分布更均匀,平滑性得到改善。

【Abstract】 Along with electronics industry swift development, the electronic products price reduces, volume reduces, reliable enhancement. As a result of the printed circuit boards volume reduction, will probably inevitably the encrypt wire、the reduction line-spacing、increase the layers. The through hole of electricity is design more and more densely, aperture getting smaller. This is a higher request to the copper-plating of printed circuit board. According to plating situation of our country present printed circuit board, studies one kind of pulsing power supply , it’s plating speed is quick、coating is even、perforation ability is strong、control precision is good and so on has very strong significance.This article first introduced pulse plating principle, pulse parameter choice basis as well as pulse parameter influence to coating; then the article introduce reverse pulse plating. By analyzing the pulse plating principle we know that in the pulse width、cyclical、seizes spatial ratio、electric current size appropriate situation, the pulse plating can cause to crystal to be closer、purity is higher、uniformity is better、ductility is stronger、corrosion resistance is stronger .This article develops the pulse power source uses the switching power supply as a DC power supply, achieve constant voltage / constant current regulation;Through cuts the wave to the current, thus obtains a series of pulse width adjustable positive and negative pulse; Through monolithic integrated circuit adjustment output voltage/current size and pulse width、frequency. What this pulse power source outputs is pulse which is the forward and reverse pulse width adjustable (May transform for the completely direct pulse), Actual is one "Dissolved coating" in the reverse pulse plating’s anode current part, similar: Electricity polishing. Namely: Dissolved bulge part, Causes coating to be smooth, thus plays the leveling role. This power source has the volume to be smaller, weight to be lighter, efficiency to be higher, energy consumption to be lower, electric current/voltage constant automatic control function, forward and reverse pulse width adjustable, plating effect good and so on characteristics, university laboratory, project training center, enterprise R&D center is especially suitable.When the pulse power source is uses in board copper-plating, the board surface copper level and the opening wall copper level "Thickness ratio" can draw close 1 : 1, often presents "the dog bone" phenomenon in deep hole surface to be improved. Compares with direct-current power source, the pulse power source can save time about 30%; The board surface copper-plates thickness distribution to be evener, smoothness is improved.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】TN41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】251

