

On Construction of the Administrative Responsibility Criticism by Outside Bodies System in China

【作者】 刘立敏

【导师】 肖金明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在公共管理中,责任意味着管理人员及管理机构鉴于承担的职权而必须履行一定的职能和义务。没有履行或不适当履行,就是失职,就应当承担相应的责任,这是责任政府的一个显著特征。目前,我国正致力于建设法治政府,责任政府是法治政府的应有之意,行政问责是建立责任政府的重要途径。党的十七大报告明确提出了要健全质询、问责、罢免等制度,可见新一届中央领导集体已经把责任政府建设摆在了一个十分突出的位置,可以预见,“可问责政府”的理念将在中国的行政改革中全面推行,行政问责制将成为中国新一轮政治改革的亮点。从理论和世界各国行政问责的实践上来看,行政问责既需要同体问责也需要异体问责,但关键在于异体问责。因为与同体问责相比较,异体问责无疑更为有效,更符合政治文明的要求。因此,未来异体问责将起到越来越重要的作用,遗憾的是理论界对这一问题尚缺乏专门、系统论述。对这一问题进行深入研究的理论与实践意义在于:(1)促进行政问责理论体系的建立和完善:(2)为建立行政异体问责制度提供理论基础;(3)促进我国责任政府的建设。本文力图在研究行政异体问责的基本理论的基础上,通过分析我国行政异体问责缺位导致的弊端以及建立相关制度的重要意义,结合相关理论和发达国家较成熟的制度经验,提出建构我国行政异体问责制度的建议。本文的研究方法主要包括:理论联系实际、比较方法和实证分析。本文主要内容如下:第一部分对行政异体问责的基本理论进行概述,包括基本概念界定、行政异体问责的内涵和构成要素、行政异体问责制度建立的法理依据。第二部分行政异体问责制度的现状及建立的意义。包括行政异体问责的现状、行政异体问责缺位导致的弊端以及建立行政异体问责制度的意义。第三部分为实证分析,对发达国家较成熟的制度经验进行总结。第四部分在结合我国的具体国情,提出建构我国行政异体问责制度的建议。第五部分为结语。

【Abstract】 Within the public administration area, responsibility means the administrative personnel and organizations, based on their authority, shall carry out certain duties and obligations. Failure of such performance or improper performance constitutes breach of duty, where liability occurs. This is a material feature of a responsible government.Currently, China is pursuing a government governed by law, while a responsible government is an integrated part of a law-governed-government. Administrative Responsibility Criticism Mechanism is an important approach to establish a responsible government. The new Chinese leaders’ group has highly emphasized the importance of establishment of a responsible government. It can be predicted that the theory of "a challengeable government" will be implemented in the administrative reform in China, which will become a bright light in its new round of political reform. Observing the theories of administrative criticism system and the practices all over the world, administrative responsibility criticism system includes criticism within the same body and by outside bodies, but the key point lies in the criticism by outside bodies, which is more effective and better satisfying the requirement of political civilization. Therefore the criticism by outside bodies will impose more and more significant influence in the future. However it is pity that there lacks of specified and systematic analysis on this issue.This paper tries, based on the studies of the main theories regarding the responsibility criticism by outside bodies, to analyzes the problems caused by absence of such responsibility criticism by outside bodies system and the significance of putting in place the relevant mechanism. It, by reference to relevant theories and comparatively mature experiences of the developed countries, proposes to build our responsibilities criticism system. The theoretical and practical significance of conducting insight research into this issue is that, (1) to promote the establishment and improvement of the administrative responsibility criticism system; (2) to provide the theoretical basis for the establishment of such a system; (3) to contribute to the construction of our responsible government. The writing methodologies used by this paper include: combining theory and practice, comparison and empirical analysis.The main contents of this paper include:PartⅠ,provides a brief introduction to the basic ideas of administrative responsibility criticism, including the basic concepts.PartⅡ, the meaning and components of administrative responsibility criticism, the types of the responsibility, the current status in China in this field.PartⅢ, gives emphasis to the basic theory of the administrative responsibility criticism outside bodies, including the legal grounds of the responsibility criticism outside bodies, the current situation in China, the defects due to the absence of a responsibility criticism system, the merits of establishing a responsibility criticism by outside bodies system.PartⅣ, conducts empirical analysis, summarizing advanced experiences of developed countries.PartⅤ, based on the first three parts and comparing the particularities of our country, proposes suggestions to the establishment of an administrative responsibilities criticism by outside bodies mechanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】468

