

Study of the Diversified Resolution Mechanism of Civil Disputes

【作者】 王宝成

【导师】 刘保玉; 张海燕;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 民事纠纷多元化解决机制研究这一课题是当下法学界和实务界广泛关注和深入研究的一个热点、难点问题。本文在前人研究的基础上,由基层着眼和从实证入手,采取司法统计、案例剖析等方式,就基层矛盾形态、纠纷化解现状、主要弊端表现、制度设计思路、法院功能定位、机制操作模式等问题,按照理论和实践两条思维进路进行了深入的剖析和探讨。全文约32000多字,共分为五部分:第一部分:民事纠纷及其化解机制之基层现状。本部分首先对基层社会矛盾进行了简要疏理,然后对上述纠纷化解资源现状进行了分析。第二部分:当前民事纠纷化解机制之弊端根源。本部分首先从思维理念上分析现行机制运作整体上存在成本过高、效率较低和效果非优的弊端;其次从制度设计的角度论述非诉制度长期缺位或发展滞后,纠纷疏导、案件流转和处断权配置缺乏统一规划的弊端;再次从体制结构方面分析决策者所设定的现行“正三角”型社会纠纷解决结构没有形成层级过滤和有效监管格局;最后从机制运作上分析当前程序闲置与资源浪费现象比较突出,没有形成制度优势发挥、功能相互补充的良性协作机制。第三部分:潍坊两级法院民事纠纷多元化解决机制之实证剖析。本部分首先从司法实践角度说明改革动因;然后介绍基本做法;再后介绍目前取得了基本成果;最后对这一实践做法进行基本评价,既指出其综合运用了教育、经济、行政、法律、宣传等多种手段,创新整合了宣传、调解、处罚、裁判等多种方法,形成了强大的纠纷化解合力,初步实现了社会纠纷的有效疏导、有序运转和层层化解的群众利益协调机制、诉求表达机制、矛盾调处机制、权益保障机制,又阐述了该做法受客观环境制约、对非诉机构监督制约不力等存在的不足。第四部分:民事纠纷多元化解决机制之理论基础。本部分通过对国内外ADR经验的借鉴以及多元化机制理论基础的探讨,论述了民事纠纷多元化解决机制必须是符合我国国情前提下的解决制度设置、程序设计、解决主体的三个方面多元化。第五部分:多元化纠纷解决机制之路径设计。本部分通过指导建立该机制的指导思想、制度设计、运行原则、实务模式等方面分析,阐述建立一个以各级党委(政法委)统一领导的,主体多元、手段多样、机制衔接、分类疏导、信息互通、监管同步为特征的多元化民事纠纷解决机制。

【Abstract】 The study of diversified resolution mechanism of civil disputes is a hot as well as a difficult subject widely catching eyes of current legal community.The present thesis, based on the results of previous studies,starting with the situation of grass roots and resorting to the means of statistics and case study,tries to made a through analysis from both theoretical and practical aspects on the following problems:types of disputes in grass roots,current situation of dispute resolutions,main disadvantages,design of system, function of the courts and the managing scheme of mechanism.The thesis has about 32000 words and is divided into five parts:PartⅠis about the grass roots’ current situation of civil disputes and the resolution mechanism.In this part,the social conflicts of grass roots are described and classified firstly,and then the resolutions currently available are analyzed.PartⅡis about the source of the downside of the current resolution mechanism. Firstly,the current mechanism is troubled with such problems as high cost,low efficiency and poor results.Secondly,the ADR is either wanting or backward and there is. no uniform program for the guide of disputes,sorting and transfer of cases and the assignment of charging power.Thirdly,the currently applied "triangle" mechanism is not functioning effectively in filtration and supervision.Lastly,as a result of major problems such as useless procedures and waste of resources,an harmonious and effective mechanism in which different resolutions can express their strong points and function jointly has not yet been established.PartⅢis about the positive analysis of the diversified resolution mechanism applied by courts of two levels in Weifang.Firstly,the reasons of reform are explained. Secondly,the basic resolutions were introduced.Thirdly,the achievements achieved until now are described.Lastly,some comments are made on the currently applied mechanism. On one hand,the system of interests-coordinating mechanism,claim-appealing mechanism,conflict-solving mechanism and right-protecting mechanism has been established effectively to settle social disputes as a result of the creative combination of different means of propaganda,mediation,penalty and judgment.On the other hand,the system is also subject to certain objective conditions and the ADR is in lack of supervision.PartⅣis about the theoretical basis of the diversified resolution mechanism of civil disputes.In this part,the discussion is made on the reference to the domestic and overseas experiences of ADR.The author expresses the opinion that the diversified resolution mechanism of civil disputes refers to the diversification of the following three aspects:institution establishment,procedure design and charging body.PartⅤis about the designed approach to diversified resolution mechanism of civil disputes.In this part,the author,through the analysis of guiding principle,system establishment,operating principles and practical model,expresses the idea of establishing a diversified resolution mechanism of civil disputes under the leadership of Party committee of different levels,featuring multiple charging bodies,various means, coordinated and harmonious system,sorting and transfer of cases,exchange of information and simultaneous supervision.

【关键词】 民事纠纷多元化解决基层实证
【Key words】 civil disputesdiversified resolutionsgrassrootspositivism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期
  • 【分类号】D915.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】576

