

The Research for the Administrative System of Emvironmental Protection of Laiwu Economic Development Zone

【作者】 狄可

【导师】 兰华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自1984年以来,为加快地区的发展,各地开发区建设迅速发展起来。由于开发区的首要任务是招商引资,发展经济,只要有项目就争取上,往往很少考虑环境保护问题,尤其在一些偏远落后地区,这一问题更加突出。在行政管理过程中,体制的正确建立是行政管理权有效行使的基础,为此,本文将通过文献综述、调查研究和比较分析的方法,从管理体制的层面入手,研究在经济发展与环境保护的矛盾中,开发区环保部门该选择什么样的管理体制,如何开展工作,从而实现两者之间的和谐统一。本文共有五个章节。第一章为导论。分析课题研究的意义,总结目前国内外环境保护行政管理体制的研究成果,明确本文的研究重点及难点。第二章了解分析国外环境管理体制的经验。以德国、美国、巴西、日本为例,研究国外环境保护行政管理体制的情况,总结出值得我们借鉴的经验:一是科学划分权限职责,明确各级环境行政主管部门的职责管理范围;二是健全法制,通过体制、机制等保障措施,克服地方保护主义。第三章研究我国环境保护行政管理体制的现状。通过调查了解,目前我国已初步形成了以国家、省、市、区(县)四级环境保护行政管理机构为主体的机构体系,但具体到各经济开发区的环境管理模式上,则比较混乱,目前主要以四种模式为主,分别是市局直管模式、属地管理模式、开发区自我管理模式和混和管理模式,这四种模式在具体工作中各有各的优势,但也都存在着不同程度的弊端。第四章以莱芜经济开发区为具体实例,通过自身的工作实践,分析、总结出目前莱芜经济开发区的环境保护行政管理体制的类型及在具体工作中存在的弊端。主要存在的问题有三:一是职责交叉,效率低下,造成行政资源浪费;二是基层环保力量薄弱,难于满足工作需要;三是地方保护主义的行政干预问题严重,加大环境管理和监督执法的难度。第五章借鉴国内外先进的经验,结合自身实践,提出莱芜经济开发区环境保护管理体制改革的具体方案——垂直管理管理模式,即设立专门的环境保护行政管理部门,并明确为市环境保护局的直属机构,在行政管理管理权行使过程中具有相对独立性。本文的主要结论是:随着经济的迅速发展,城市化进程的不断加快,环境问题已成为当前和今后相当长的时期内我国面临的最严峻挑战之一,它不仅影响到经济增长、社会稳定和可持续发展,而且更为严重的是威胁未来生存与发展的物质基础。开发区作为各地的城市新区,是实现经济跳跃发展的新的支撑点,规范和加强开发区环境管理工作则显得尤为重要,但开发区现行的环境保护行政管理体制、机构设置、执法手段等不能适应社会经济形势和任务对环保工作的要求,因此开发区的环境保护管理体制改革势在必行。进行开发区环境保护行政管理体制改革,必须把强化环境保护职能作为主要目标,大力推行环保机构垂直管理,实现开发区社会、经济、环境的和谐发展。

【Abstract】 Since 1984, in order to speed up the region’s development, construction of development zones have developed rapidly. As the primary task of development zones is to attract investmentand promote economic, as long as there is one item,they will implement it with little regard of environmental protection, especially in some remote backward areas, where this issue is more prominent. In the course of administration, I think correct establishment of the system is the foundation for the effective exercise of the administration right, this paper will use such methods as literatu rereview, investigation, and comparative analysis,starting from the levels of the management system, to sruding what kind of management system to choose for the environmental protection agencies, and how to work to achieve the harmonious unity between the environment protection and economical development.There are five chapters in this paper. The first chapter is on introduction, This chapter introduce the theoretical significance and value of the topic. ChapterⅡanalysize the experiences of the environmental management system of foreign countries. Through detailed inspection to Germany、the United States、Brazil and Japan, we can sum up the experience: First, define the duties scientificly,and make the range of the responsibilities clear at all levels of the administrative management.Second,improve the legal system and overcome local protectionism through the structure, mechanisms and other support measures. ChapterⅢstudy in particular the development of China’s environmental protection administration system. Through investigation,we have learned that China has initially formed a four environmental protection administrative bodies of as the main body system: national,provincial,municipaland district (county),but the specific environmental management mode of economic development zones in different regions are a little mess. Now there are mainly four modes, namely the PUC straight mode, territorial management, self-management mode of development zones and mixed management model. The four models in concrete work each have their own advantages, but there are also different levels of defects. ChapterⅣtakes Laiwu economic development zone as an example. Through my own working experiences and analysis, I summarized some disadvantages of Laiwu economic development zone. There are three main problems, First, cross-duty and low efficiency have resulted in the waste of resources. Second, the environmental protection of grassroots is so weak that it can not meet the needs of work.Third,the executive of local protectionism is a serious, which makes the supervision of law enforcement more difficult. Chapter 5 with the advanced experience from in and abroad, considering its own practice of Laiwu Economic Development Zone, I proposed some specific ways of reforming the vertical management of environmental protection agencies, that is to set up specialized environmental protection administration departments, and make clear that they are directly under the Environmental Protection Bureau and exercise of their management right is relative independente.The main conclusion is, With the rapid economic development, urbanization process is accelerating, and environmental issues have become serious problems at present and in the future. China is facing one of the most severe challenges, it not only affects economic growth, social stability and sustainable development, but also posed a great threat to the basic material of the future survival and development. Development zones as new developing area in the cities, is a new strong point,so it is particularly important to regulate and strengthen the environmental management, to realize the leaping development of cities ,so it is particularly to regulate and strengthen environmental management of the development zone. but the current development of environmental protection administration system, institutions, law enforcement means Can not meet the socio-economic situation and the requirements of environmental protection, so the development of environmental protection management system is imperative. To reform the administrative system of the Development Zone for Environmental Protection, we must strengthen the environmental protection functions and take it as a major goal, and vigorously promote vertical management of environmental protection agencies,to realize harmonious development among the society,economy and environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】X321
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】249

