

Research on the Green-Talent-Cultivating Models in Our Engineering University

【作者】 赵琼

【导师】 夏劲;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现阶段,我国可持续发展战略的实施使得大学生绿色教育成为一个倍受关注的研究领域。工科院校绿色人才培养模式是一个既有理论价值又有现实意义的研究课题。研究工科院校绿色人才培养模式,有助于丰富高等教育学理论,有助于拓展高等教育研究的新领域,促进高等工科教育的学科建设,有助于推动和深化我国教育体制改革,有助于推动我国整体范围内大学生绿色教育的实践发展。我国工科大学生绿色教育目前还处于初始阶段,在探索和发展中还存在一些问题:对实施绿色教育的重要性认识不够,教学管理不够规范;绿色教育体系尚不完善;教师欠缺绿色素质;大学生绿色意识淡薄;课程设置不尽合理;绿色校园建设落后等等。在工科院校进行大学生绿色教育在我国还是新生事物,没有现成的经验和模式。所以,构建工科院校绿色人才培养模式对我国工科大学生绿色教育的发展意义重大。本文将对我国工科院校绿色人才培养模式进行系统研究。文章共分六个部分:第一部分简述文章选题的研究目的和意义。第二部分在分析和综合国内外学者对绿色教育不同理解的基础上,界定大学生绿色教育的概念,明确绿色教育的内容,以形成对绿色教育的整体认识。第三部分对若干发达国家大学生绿色教育进行比较,总结其先进经验,得出对我国工科大学生绿色教育的有益启示。第四部分在概述我国大学生绿色教育理论研究与实践发展的基础上,分析我国工科大学生绿色教育发展的制约因素。第五部分构建我国工科院校绿色人才培养模式。最后一部分是文章的简要总结。本文是作者致力于工科大学生绿色教育的研究过程中,对工科院校绿色人才培养的部分相关问题进行学习、探索和思考的总结,其创新之处主要体现在以下两点:第一,明晰大学生绿色教育的概念。目前国内外学者对大学生绿色教育概念有不同的理解,本论文将对其进行分析和总结,明晰大学生绿色教育概念。第二,构建工科院校绿色人才培养模式。针对我国目前工科大学生绿色教育的缺失问题,汲取国外先进经验,对我国工科院校绿色人才培养模式的构建提出全方位、系统的探讨。

【Abstract】 At this stage, the implementation of China’s sustainable development strategy turns the undergraduate-green-education into a research field which attracts so much attention. The green-talent-cultivating models in engineering university is a research topic that not only a theoretical value and practical significance. Studying the green-talent-cultivating models in our engineering university is good for the enrichment of the advanced pedagogy theory, redounds to the development of the new domain of higher education research and the promotion of higher engineering education discipline construction, helps to impelling and deepening the organizational reform of education in China and conduce the practice development of undergraduate-green-education overall the country.Green-education of engineering university in China is still in the initial phase, the exploration and development have some problems. For example, the implementation of green-education awareness of the importance is not enough; green-education system is inadequate; teachers lack the quality of green; green-consciousness of college students is so weak; curriculum is unreasonable; the construction of green-campus is straggle, and so on. Green-education of engineering university is a new thing in China, there is no ready-made experience and pattern. Therefore, to build the green-talent-cultivating models in engineering university is great significance for the development of green-education in engineering university. This article will to comprehensive research the green-talent-cultivating models in our engineering university.The full text is arranged as follow: Firstly, Summary article selected topic research goal and significance. Secondly, in analyzes and synthesizes the domestic and foreign scholars to the green-education different understanding foundation, the limits green-education’s concept, is clear about the green-education the content, forms to the green -education’s whole understanding. Thirdly, carries on the comparison to certain developed country university student green- education, summarizes its advanced experience, and obtains to our country engineering course university student green education beneficial enlightenment. Fourthly, in outlines our country college of engineering present personnel training pattern existence in the question foundation, analyzes the restriction factors of our country engineering university green-talent-cultivating development. Fifthly, to build the green-talent-cultivatingmodels in our engineering university. The last part is the article brief summary.This article is the conclusion of the study, exploration and consideration of the author about some correlated issues during the progress that she devotes to the research of the green-talent-cultivating of engineering university. There are two points of innovation:First, the concept of undergraduate-green-education is defined. At present the domestic and foreign scholars will have the different understanding on concept of undergraduate-green-education, the article will carry on the analysis and the summary to it, defined the concept of the undergraduate-green-education.Second, constructs the green-talent-cultivating models of engineering university. In view of the problem of the green-education of engineering university is flaw, derives the overseas advanced experience, omni-directionally proposes the construction of the green-talent-cultivating models of engineering university.


