

The Ethics Review of Nano-biotechnology Security

【作者】 朱晓雲

【导师】 毛新志;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以纳米生物技术的最新研究成果为基础,对纳米生物技术的应用可能产生的安全性问题进行了伦理上的分析,并对纳米生物技术的研发和应用存在的安全性问题提出了管理的对策。首先,本文分析了纳米生物技术的应用对人类健康潜在的危害以及可能引发的伦理问题。这些问题包括:纳米生物技术的应用对大气质量的影响以及导致的人类健康问题:纳米生物技术在医学中的应用可能危害人类健康,应该在不伤害患者的基础上尊重患者的自主权、知情同意权,维护患者的利益;纳米生物技术在日用品中的应用对人类健康存在潜在危害。因此,纳米生物技术在日用品中的应用应该进行标识,不仅要不伤害消费者,更要向着有利于消费者的方向发展。其次,本文分析了纳米生物技术的应用可能引发的环境危害问题。这些问题包括:为了追求经济利益,某些机构可能在对纳米生物技术的环境安全评估尚不充分的情况下就推行纳米生物技术的商业化,从而污染环境、危害他人的利益和健康,造成代内不公正;纳米生物技术的应用可能破坏生态系统,这种破坏很可能是造成致命的、不可挽回的损失,这违反了环境伦理学的代际公正的原则。最后,本文分析了纳米生物技术的应用可能对社会稳定造成的危害以及引发的伦理问题。这些问题包括:纳米生物技术的应用可能改变世界格局,违背世界和平与发展的主题;如果被恐怖组织利用,纳米生物武器巨大的军事破坏力无疑将严重威胁社会安全;以美国为首的发达资本主义国家在掌握了纳米生物武器之后,新的霸权主义也将产生,国家、地区间的不平等也会越加严重;如果纳米生物技术应用于复制人,是对人类尊严的挑战,对家庭的影响也是不可忽视的,从而危害了社会最基本的元素,可能引起社会动荡;同样,纳米生物技术应用于优化基因是对人的尊严和价值的否定,引发种族之间的冲突,危害社会稳定。针对以上提出的伦理问题,本文对纳米生物技术的安全管理提出了相应的对策。首先,从伦理审查方面来说,要加强纳米生物技术的伦理导向、建立伦理预见与评价体系;其次,从完善相关的法律规范和进行适当的行政干预两个方面来加强对纳米生物技术的政治控制;再次,要加强纳米生物技术的道德控制,包括提高科研人员的道德责任感、加强新闻媒体和生产人员以及销售人员的责任感、把握科学自由与伦理道德之间的尺度三个方面:最后,加强社会对纳米生物技术科技活动的安全评价与监督。

【Abstract】 Based on the latest nano-biotechnology research, based on the application of biotechnology, nanotechnology may have security issues on the ethical analysis, nanotechnology and biotechnology research and development and application of existing security measures proposed by the management.First of all, this article analyzes the application of nano-biotechnology on human health as well as potential hazards may lead to ethical issues. These include: biotechnology, nanotechnology application of air quality, as well as lead to human health problems; biotechnology, nanotechnology in medicine may harm human health, should not harm patients on the basis of respect for the autonomy of patients, informed consent The right to safeguard the interests of patients; nano-biotechnology in the daily application of the potential hazards to human health. As a result, nano-biotechnology in the daily necessities of the logo should be applied not only to consumers or harm, but also is conducive towards the direction of the consumer.Second, this article analyzes the application of biotechnology; nanotechnology may lead to environmental hazards. These include: the pursuit of economic interests, certain organizations in the biotechnology, nanotechnology environmental assessment of the security situation is not yet fully on the implementation of nano-biotechnology commercialization, which pollute the environment, endanger other people’s interests and health, lead With injustice; nano-biotechnology applications could undermine the ecosystem, such damage is likely to be fatal, irreversible losses, in violation of environmental ethics of the principle of intergenerational justice.Finally, an analysis of bio-nano technology may harm social stability as well as the ethical issues arising. These include: bio-nano-technology could change the world order, contrary to world peace and development of theme; if the use of terrorist organizations, nano-biological weapons of great destructive power of the military will no doubt be a serious threat to social security; led by the United States developed capitalist In the country to master the nano-biological weapons, a new hegemony will also have the national, regional inequalities will be more serious; if bio-nano technology in human reproduction is a challenge to human dignity, on the family Can not be ignored, so as to endanger the society’s most basic elements that could cause social unrest; Similarly, nano-biotechnology is applied to optimize the gene for human dignity and value in the negative, lead to ethnic conflict and endanger social stability.To deal with ethical issues raised by this paper on nano- technology, safety management of the corresponding countermeasures. First of all, from an ethical review of the terms, it is necessary to strengthen the ethics of biotechnology, nano-oriented,predictable and the establishment of ethical evaluation system; Secondly, to improve related laws and regulations and the appropriate administrative intervention to strengthen the two sides of the nano-biotechnology political Control; again, it is necessary to strengthen the morality of biotechnology, nano-control, including researchers and moral responsibility to strengthen the news media as well as sales and production staff a sense of responsibility, grasp the scientific freedom and ethical standards between the three areas; Finally, to strengthen Nano-biotechnology community in science and technology activities and supervision of the safety evaluation.


