

Based on the Consumer Behavior of the Real Estate Advertising Strategy

【作者】 陈泽烨

【导师】 周萍;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今经济形式下,房地产行业在我国已成为国民经济发展的支柱型产业,是拉动国民经济增长的重要力量。行业广告是与行业发展紧密相关的,因而房地产广告便成为广告界一个举足轻重的角色,房地产广告占据了全部广告的三分之一甚至更多的分量。但是,综观众多的房地产广告,能深刻地被消费者记住,深入人心者却为数不多。究其原因,是由于没有很好地把握住房地产广告与消费者心理的关系,忽略了对信息传播、说服购买、指导消费等心理规律的有效研究。因为房地产广告不仅仅是一个单方面的信息传递过程,而是一个情感互动的说服过程。因此消费者心理因素在其中占据着主导地位,对消费者心理把握的好坏直接影响着一个房地产广告的成功与否。本文正是从这个角度出发,研究房地产广告的策略。本文共分五章,首先交代了论文研究背景及目前国内的研究现状,总结了我国房地产广告的现状并提出了目前房地产广告中存在的主要问题,梳理了国内对于房地产广告方面的研究状况。然后简要概括了本文所要用到的理论基础,在总体介绍消费者行为理论之后,分别介绍了影响消费者行为的内在因素和外在因素。与此相对应,本文提出了房地产广告的具体策略,并且做到了理论与实践的结合,以相关案例对每个策略进行了丰富和论证,力图给出一个清晰明了的策略。基于影响消费者行为的内在因素中的动机、信息获得、情感过程和消费者个性理论,本文提出了需求分层策略、借用形势策略、以情动心策略和时尚个性策略。基于影响消费者行为的外在因素中的家庭、阶层和文化理论,本文提出了家庭定位策略、阶层定位策略和文化定位策略。在综合分析各种因素的基础上,本文提出了媒体组合策略、软硬兼施策略和适时适度策略。当然,以上所有这些策略并不是单独的应用在某一个广告中,策略的应用应该以商品本身为基础针对不同的消费者做出,一个优秀的广告往往是依据了影响消费者的多种内外部因素,综合各种策略,提出多个可以吸引消费者的建筑特色或房屋卖点,情理结合,吸引目标受众。

【Abstract】 The twenty-first century is the era of information technology, and advertising as a means of information dissemination, has increasingly penetrated into every comer of modern society, always affects the political activities of the community, economy and trade, people’s way of life, ideology and Culture and so on all aspects of social life. At the same time, in the form of today’s economy, real estate is the social impact of the pulse of the engine, its ups and downs, the community was "very moving moment." Thus real estate ads to the advertising industry has become a pivotal role in real estate ads are full of our lives, no matter which corner of the city at any time we can see a lot of real estate ads. But, by and large number of real estate ad can be profoundly consumers keep in mind that those few people. The reason is the absence of a good grasp of real estate advertising and consumer psychology of the relationship between the neglect of the dissemination of information to convince the purchase, consumption, such as psychological guidance to the law of the study valid. But the real estate advertising is not just one-sided information, it’s a process to persuade the emotional interaction. Therefore the consumer psychology in which occupies a dominant position, grasp the psychology of consumers have a direct impact on the real estate ads a success.This article is divided into five chapters, the first account of the background research papers and studies of the status quo, summed up the current situation of China’s real estate ads and ads in the current real estate problems, the comb national advertising for real estate research situation.In this paper, then put forward a theoretical basis, the overall presentation in consumer behavior theory, introduced the consumer behavior affect the internal factors and external factors, as well as the theory of consumer decision-making process. Corresponding to this, this paper, real estate ads to the specific strategies and tactics for each of the cases cited to demonstrate. Based on consumer behavior affect the internal factors of motivation, information access, consumer sentiment and the process of personality theory, the demand for this paper, layered strategy, the strategy to use the situation to situation individuality inviting fashion strategy and tactics. Based on consumer behavior impact of external factors in the family, class and cultural theory, this paper, the family-targeted strategy, class and cultural positioning strategies positioning strategy. Based on consumer decision-making process theory, this paper, the media portfolio strategy, both hard and soft tactics and strategy in a timely manner appropriate strategy.Of course, all these strategies is not a single application in one ad, the reality is that a good advertising is often based on the consumer impact of a variety of internal and external factors, a comprehensive range of strategies to attract a number of proposed Consumer architectural features or selling points of housing, reasonable, to attract the target audience.

  • 【分类号】F293.3;F713.8
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1879

