

Researches on SOA-Based Softerware Development and Its Application

【作者】 黄霞

【导师】 顾治华;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文主要针对一种新型的软件体系架构—SOA(service OrientedArchitecture,面向服务的体系架构)进行了分析与应用研究。随着企业级应用的不断发展,软件的复杂性急剧增加,面向对象技术已经无法解决重用和可维护性的问题,于是设计者们提出了基于组件的设计思想,但遗憾的是这种思想并没有很好地解决软件复杂性问题。今天我们面临的是诸如分布式软件、应用整合、不同平台、各种各样协议和设备相互组合等等这样的系统,而采用SOA可以消除不同平台和协议带来的问题,实现应用之间的无缝整合。SOA的一个重要之处在于:它不再重点考虑以技术为中心的细颗粒度实体,如数据库类型或Java对象;SOA专注于以业务为中心的服务,这些服务就有业务级的事务粒度。SOA表示的是一个架构蓝图,涵盖多种不同技术,不需要特定协议或连接技术,因此SOA能很好的帮助企业提高自己的IT能力,随需而变,满足业务需求。本文的研究工作围绕SOA架构展开,通过深入研究分析与SOA相关的理论体系,提出了一种基于SOA架构的企业应用设计流程和建模方法,并在此基础之上通过一应用实例说明SOA的实施过程。首先,分析研究了SOA架构在国内外的发展情况,对SOA架构的理论体系进行了深入研究,包括与SOA开发模式相关的实现技术——Web Services的体系结构和组成;SOA编程模型涉及的组件类型—企业服务总线(EnterpriseServiceBus,ESB)的工作原理和机制。接着,结合SOA架构的理论体系和Web Services以及ESB的工作原理和实现过程,分析了整个系统在SOA模式下如何实现跨企业供应链协作方面的功能。在此基础上设计了一种新的SOA规划—ESOAD,给出了其总体设计和具体实现,并对其关键技术作了详细介绍。然后,通过一应用实例具体说明了SOA实施的详细过程,证明了应用SOA有效性,体现了SOA分析设计方法的敏捷性和高效性。最后,对全文进行了总结,并提出了进一步研究的方向和内容。

【Abstract】 This thesis for a new type of software architecture—SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) was analyzed and applied research. With enterprise-class application development, software gets more and more complex and object-oriented technology has been unable to solve the issue of reusability and maintainability, so designers made a component-based design idea, but unfortunately this is the thinking of a good solution and software complexity of the issue. Today, we are facing such as distributed software, application integration, different platforms, a wide range of mutual agreement and equipment combinations, and so on such a system, and can be eliminated using SOA different platforms and protocols of the issue and the realization of the application seamless integration. SOA an important part is: it is no longer focus on technology as the center of the fine particles entities, such as the type of database or Java objects; SOA to focus on business-centric services, there are business-class size matters. SOA is a framework that the blueprint for a broad range of different technologies and does not require specific agreements or connectivity. So good SOA can help enterprises improve their ability to IT, and with the need to change to meet business needsThe main work of this dissertation was focused on the theory, design and implementation of SOA. Based on the thoroughly analysis of_ SOA, a practical design workflow and modeling method are prompted, and some core modules of a Logistics Information System are implemented to confirm the above conclusion.First, On the base of deeply researching on the SOA theoretical mode, this paper gives us an overview about SOA and the relevant technologies: Web Services, ESB.Second, it analyzes the instance system how to realize the, functions of supply-chain collaboration among enterprises applying with SOA mode according to the requirements. On this basis, a new SOA planning - ESOAD, given its overall design and realization, and its key technology in detail,Then, through a specific example of the application of the detailed implementation of the SOA process, to prove the effectiveness of SOA, the SOA analysis of the design method agile and efficientFinally, the full text of the summation, and to further study the direction and content.


