

Study on Optimal for Import Transport Organisation Mode of Iron Ore Around Yangtze River

【作者】 钟华杰

【导师】 方芳;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 长江流域是我国最大的铁矿石进口地区,有许多大的钢铁厂,但同时也是铁矿石资源比较贫乏的地区。进口铁矿石主要在北仑港、马迹山等深水大港卸下后分拨。钢铁厂用灵便型散货船和驳船在宝山、南通、镇江和南京港等中转港口装上进口铁矿石进行二程运输。由于进口铁矿石需求的迅速增加和中国铁路运输能力的紧缺以及内河运输价格的低廉,长期以来长江流域的钢厂采用内河船舶运输铁矿石。随着长江深水港口和马迹山矿砂中转基地的修建及长江深水航道治理工程完成并投入使用,对长江货物运输安全,运输方式和效益产生了巨大影响,有必要对进口铁矿石运输方式进行合理优化。本文以长江深水航道建设为背景,对当前铁矿石运输现状进行分析,包括长江航道、铁矿石需求、现行主要运输方式与组织方式、海进江铁矿石运输量、主要中转港口及主要船型。探讨了三程运输、江海直达运输、减载运输方式的优化方案,拟定船型方案,通过改进的线性规划模型,计算各方案运输成本,以单位运输成本为评价指标,单位综合运输费用最小方案为最优方案。通过方案优化,钢铁企业将能够大大降低铁矿石的运输成本,同时也能快速转运,为企业生产赢取时间。当前在我国全面推进节能减排工作的背景下,大力发展长江航运,有利于缓解土地、能源等资源紧缺矛盾和环境压力。但海进江铁矿石水路运输组织方式多样,成本不一。而内河运输是符合国家建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会政策的一种运输方式,因此,对长江海进江铁矿石运输方式进行研究,提出北仑、马迹山至各钢厂的最佳运输方案,具有重要的现实意义,研究结论对政府和企业的有关部门有一定的参考价值,亦为两型社会建设贡献一份微薄之力。

【Abstract】 Yangtze River is China’s largest iron ore importer area, there are many large steel plant, but also a lack of iron ore resources. Main imports of iron ore are distributed after unload at Beilun port and Majishan port. Iron and steel plant with Handymax bulk carriers and barges in Baoshan, Nantong, Zhenjiang and Nanjing, such as a transit port fitted with iron ore imports for second carriage. As the iron ore import demand and rapid growth in China’s railway transport capacity and low water carriage prices low, steel mill used ship transport iron ore. With deep-water port and Majishan ore transit base beside the construction of the the Yangtze River deepwater channel was completed it will have an affect on cargo transportation safety, mode of transport and benefit. it is necessary to optimize of imports iron ores’ transport way.As the background on the deep-water channel construction in this paper, it anaylse the Yangtze River waterway, the demand for iron ore, the main mode of transport organization, import transport iron ore, major transit port and the main ship, discuss the optimization of the mode of three-way transportation, Jianghai direct transport, load transport. Through the optimization program, iron and steel enterprises will be able to significantly reduce the transportation cost of iron ore, but also be able to quickly transfer for the production of time to win.At the background of China promote all-round energy-saving work of the emission reduction, to develop the Yangtze River shipping, will help ease the land, energy and other scarce resources, conflict and environmental stress. The inland water transport is in line with the national construction of a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society as a mode of transport policy, so, the best Transport program on the Yangtze River into the sea mode of transport of iron ore in conducting research Beilun, Majishan to steel plant is of great realistic significance and have a certain reference of study the conclusions of the government departments and enterprises.

【关键词】 长江流域海进江铁矿石线性规划
【Key words】 Yangtze Riveriron oreimportwater transport
  • 【分类号】F552;U695.27
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】343
  • 攻读期成果

