

The Study on Sci-technology Innovation Mechanism of Industry-Academy Cooperation Mainly Based on Enterprise

【作者】 周歌军

【导师】 王培根;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 纵观近百年世界产业发展的历史,真正起作用的技术几乎都来自企业,企业在自主创新中的主体地位是非常突出的。早在20世纪90年代初,我国就提出要使企业成为技术开发的主体。2005年全国科技工作会议则明确提出,要“围绕提高自主创新能力,加快建立以企业为主体、产学研紧密结合的技术创新体系”;中共中央在关于“十一五”规划建议中,明确指出要“建立以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系,形成自主创新的基本体制架构。”因此,研究以企业为主体的产学合作创新运行机制具有重要理论研究价值与现实意义。本文综合应用产学合作理论:激励理论、系统论、博弈论等多学科交叉的理论与方法对产学合作科技创新机制进行了研究。首先对国内外产学合作的研究现状作了有针对性的回顾与评述,对美、日产学合作状况进行了比较研究,接着对我国产学合作的不同模式及现状进行了分析,认为目前企业还未成为产学合作科技创新的主体,产学合作的良性运行机制也尚未形成,是制约我国产学合作创新进一步发展的关键因素。然后在以上分析的基础上阐述了以企业为主体产学合作创新的理论依据和现实依据、合作创新的类型,尝试性地提出了改善目前状况的对策,建立以企业为主体的产学合作科技创新机制,包括:优势互补动力机制、互惠互利利益分配机制、创新要素重组互动机制、诚信守约信任机制。最后通过结合地区特点,对东湖高新区的产学合作运行机制进行了分析,并提出了相关对策建议。

【Abstract】 Looking back the last century’s development of industry, we can find that the really useful technology was from enterprise and enterprise played the role of principal part in auto-innovation. In the 1990’, our government had advocated that enterprise should be the main promoter of technology development. In the National Sci-technology Conference 2005, it is clearly announced that we should strengthen our ability of innovation and promote the process of technology creation system. In the ’eleventh five-year plan’ the CPC has clearly declared that our society should be constructed as a technology creation system which based on the main part of enterprise, leaded by market and featured by the industry-academy-research innovation system. Therefore, the study on industry-academy innovation running system, which is based on principal part of enterprise, has reality significance and valuable importance on academic research.By industry-academy cooperation theory, inspiriting theory, system theory, game theory and so on, this paper focus on the research of industry-academy cooperation sci-technology innovation system. Firstly, it makes a review on its present situation at both home and abroad. Then, by comparative research of industry-academy cooperation situation in Japan, the USA, by the analysis of present situation and different models on industry-academy cooperation, it is regarded that present enterprises have not been the principal part of sci-technology innovation. Its well-run system has not been established, which is the key element in restricting further development of innovation system. Thirdly, based on above analysis it tries to bring out amending countermeasure and build new innovation system. This paper demonstrates its academicals and reality evidence, pattern of cooperation innovation. Specifically, it includes such system as following: an bilateral benefit from each other’s dominance, win-win benefit distribution, innovation elements reconstruction and so on. Finally, connected with district’s character, it analyses the innovation system in East Lake High-new district and make relative suggestions.

  • 【分类号】F273.1;F276.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】752
  • 攻读期成果

