

Research on the Safeguard of Intangible Cultural Heritage under Intellectual Property Law

【作者】 杨维

【导师】 魏纪林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 经济法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 对非物质文化遗产予以知识产权法保护涉及到国际社会知识产权制度格局的变革,其背后隐藏的是发达国家与发展中国家之间紧张激烈的利益纷争,所以这是一个可能要面对发达国家反对和抵制的敏感课题。但是,为了对抗发达国家在知识产权方面的明显优势,力争把作为我国优势资源的非物质文化遗产纳人知识产权法保护范畴,是拓展我国知识产权保护及其惠益分享机会的战略选择,这是一个涉及到民族和国家利益的重大课题。由于从全世界范围来看,这一论题尚无国际规则和成熟实践可以借鉴,对非物质文化遗产知识产权保护的正当性论证以及具体制度设计构想的提出成为本研究的难点及主要目的所在。本文主要采用了语义分析方法、价值分析方法、比较研究方法、实证分析方法等研究方法分五章对议题展开讨论。第一章以《保护非物质文化遗产公约》为基础从构成要件、特性以及分类这三个角度对非物质文化遗产进行了界定,同时提出了非物质文化遗产知识产权法保护的概念及其与其它法律保护的关系。第二章从必要性和可行性两个方面对非物质文化遗产知识产权法保护的正当性这一前提性论题进行了理论论证。必要性的论证主要是从当前国际知识产权保护环境下我国所面临的挑战的角度展开的,关于可行性的论证则围绕非物质文化遗产保护的目的与知识产权法价值取向之间的契合性、非物质文化遗产同知识产权客体之间的兼容性、非物质文化遗产利益诉求内容与知识产权内容重合性、非物质文化遗产利益诉求主体与知识产权主体之间的一致性这四个方面全面展开。第三章首先对非物质文化遗产知识产权法保护的国际条约、非物质文化遗产知识产权法保护的国外立法、非物质文化遗产知识产权法保护的国内立法进行了总结,然后从主体确认制度和权利确认制度两方面归纳了国际社会立法实践对我国的借鉴意义。第四章分别探讨了著作权保护模式、专利权保护模式、商标权保护模式和商业秘密权保护模式下非物质文化遗产保护的可行性及存在的缺陷。第五章是完善我国非物质文化遗产知识产权法保护制度的构想。通过对前四章研究结论的总结,提出了非物质文化遗产知识产权法保护专门立法的构想。通过对非物质文化遗产的文化价值和资源价值以及市场规律下该双重价值的冲突的分析,得出非物质文化遗产知识产权法保护专门法应当以平衡该双重价值的冲突,保障非物质文化遗产提供“民族自尊和民族认同”的人文精神不受贬损为核心的立法宗旨。最后以该宗旨为指导对非物质文化遗产知识产权法保护专门法的权利客体、权利主体、权利内容设计进行了论述,以期对我国正在起草的《非物质文化遗产法》提供些许建设性的意见。

【Abstract】 To safeguard intangible cultural heritage under intellectual property law may bring about a blazing transformation of the established international intellectual property law system, simultaneously, behind this is the tensional and vehement interest dispute between the developed countries and the developing ones, as a result, it is a sensitive subject that might be opposited and resisted by the developed nation. Nevertheless, in order to fight against the developed nation’s obvious advantage in intellectual property, it will be a sensible strategy for our nation to try to bring intangible cultural heritage, which is our abundant local resources, as a object of intellectual property law.Considering the truth that there is no international rule or mature practice for us to borrow idea from, to prove the validity of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage under intellectual property law and its special system design concept shall be the difficult point and main purpose of this subject.This essay mainly use the semantic parsing method, the value analysis method, comparative method, substantial evidence analysis method to discuss the subject in five chapters.ChapterⅠdefines intangible cultural heritage from the angles of elements, as well as characteristics and classification, which based on Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. In the mean time, the author defines the concept of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage under intellectual property law, and have a discuss on the different function of intellectual property law and other forms of law when protecting the intangible cultural heritage.ChapterⅡproves the validity of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage under intellectual property law by its necessity and feasibility. The argument of necessity starts basically from the point of view that the challenges that China would be confronted under the current international intellectual property protection environment. The feasibility is argued from four main points as follows, the correspondence between the goal of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and the value orientation of intellectual property law, the compatibility between intangible cultural heritage and objects of intellectual property right, the coincidence between the interest demands content arising from intangible cultural heritage and the content of intellectual property right, the consistency of interest demands parties of intangible cultural heritage and the parties of intellectual property right.ChapterⅢmakes an conclusion of intangible cultural heritage protection of intellectual property law under international treaties, as well as foreign legislation and domestic legislation, then sums up the reference of the international community’s legislation practice for our nation from both the angle of the confirm system of party and that of right.ChapterⅣdiscuss both the feasiblities and defects of the four modes to safeguard intangible cultural heritage under the established copyright law, patent law, trademark law, as well as trade secret law.ChapterⅤis the concept of perfect our nation’s intellectual property law for intangible cultural heritage. Basing on the conclusion made from the former four chapters, the author proposes the concept of establishing an intellectual property law special for safeguarding our intangible cultural heritage. Through the analysis of the cultural value and resource value and the conflicts between the two values, the author conclude that the special law should established basing on the principle of both balancing the conflicts between the double values and assuring that the humanism of national pride and national identity reflected by intangible cultural heritage shall not to be derogatory. In the end, following the guidance of this principle, the author has a detailed discussion on objects, subjects, as well as the contents of intangible cultural heritage right, with a view to give some constructive advice for the forthcoming Intangible Cultural Heritage Act of our nation.


