

A Research on the Intellectual Property Rights and Brands of Chinese Medicine

【作者】 王魏云

【导师】 魏纪林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 经济法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中医药学是世界医学园地里的一朵奇葩,绽放几千年而不衰。那浩瀚的中医药学典籍、千年的临床实践和丰富的中医药资源,都显示着我国在中医药领域具有得天独厚的优势。它也是我国最有潜力,为数不多的自主知识产权之一。然而现在,对于中医药的研究和保护我们已经落后。中国传统医药的成果正在被别人盗用,别人远远领先于我们,占据着中药研发和国际贸易的高地。我们唾弃那些使用公共资源谋求私利的人,但我们更应该做的是制定出能够保护这些知识特点的制度来,以推动世界所认同的中医药评价标准和专利制度,同时扭转在知识产权领域国际谈判中相对被动的局面。本文具体分析我国现行的专利法、商标法、商业秘密等知识产权制度对中医药的保护,并评价这些制度在保护中医药知识产权中的缺陷,同时提出应当完善相关的制度。中医药是不同于西医药的传统医药,本文第一部分首先介绍了中医药的背景和研究目的意义,第二部分叙述了中医药、传统医药、西医药的概念,并对其进行了比较分析,同时阐述了中医药知识产权的保护范围、保护方式和保护的正当性价值。这两部分是一些基础知识,意在为下文做铺垫。第三部分讨论了现行知识产权制度:专利法、商标法、著作权法和其他制度(如商业秘密保护、品种保护等)对中医药的保护,分析了现行制度在保护中医药上的现状与不足。第四部分讨论的是:我国目前中医药知识产权保护的法律法规,尽管起到了它们应有的作用,但是现行的知识产权制度是基于西方的工业制度建立起来的,并不适合千百年流传下来的中医药知识,特别是不利于中医药的发展。建议完善中医药知识产权制度,如:专利“三性”的完善,引入地理标志保护机制,让中医药文献化等,除完善现行的知识产权制度,还需要根据中医药的特点建立特殊保护制度,如建立传统知识保护制度,增设专利来源披露制度,建立知情同意与利益分离机制等。最后一部分从法律层面转到企业层面,讨论了中医药企业的品牌战略。目前,我国中医药企业规模小,低水平重复建设多,药品又缺少特色,要想在市场竞争中立于不败之地,就必须走品牌化之路,提高品牌意识,构筑企业专利战略,创立品牌商标体系,建立中医药各项国际标准等。最终让我国的中医药产业继续领先国际,长盛不衰!

【Abstract】 Chinese medicine has been a wonder in the field of medicine in the world for thousands of years. The fact that we have volumes of Chinese medicine books, thousands of clinical practice and rich Chinese medicine resources shows that china has unique advantages in the field of Chinese medicine. As one of the most potential industries, Chinese medicine is also one of the few independent intellectual property rights in china. Now, however, we have lagged behind other countries as for studying and protecting Chinese medicine, which is showed in the following aspects: the results of traditional Chinese medicine are being plagiarized. Other countries occupy lion’s share in researching and developing traditional Chinese medicine and in the international trade of Chinese medicine .Rather than condemn the person or group who use public resources for personal aim, we prefer to work out systems that can protect those intellectual properties, in order to promote the Chinese medicine evaluation standards and its patent system that are identified by the world, and to reverse the situation in which intellectual property rights are relatively passive in international property rights are relatively passive in international negotiations. In this paper, the author analyzes the situation in which the intellectual property systems in our country such as patent law, trademark law and trade secrets protect Chinese medicine, evaluates the defects of those systems in the process of protecting Chinese medicine, and puts forward some suggestions about perfecting related systems as well.In the thesis, the first part introduces the background of Chinese medicine, the purpose and significance of researching it. The second part describes the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine and western medicine, carries out a comparative analysis among them. And explains the scope and the way of protection of Chinese medicine intellectual property rights and their value of protection. The third part discusses the status quo of the current intellectual property system: on protecting traditional Chinese medicine and analyzes its weakness. Based on the situation analyzed in part three, the fourth one proposes some practicable suggestions and effective measures.The last part, form a legal dimension to the enterprise level, I discuss the brand strategy of Chinese medicine enterprises, that is to improve brand awareness, to create brand trademark system and to build a well-known trademark strategy.

  • 【分类号】F204;F426.72
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】562

