

Countermeasures of Developing Modern Logistics in Hefei Railage Enterprise

【作者】 李松泽

【导师】 倪志伟;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 物流工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 论文以合肥铁路运输企业为研究取样对象,在现代物流理论、交通运输学等理论指导下,采用理论联系实际、对比分析以及定性与定量相结合的研究方法,对铁路运输业发展现代物流的对策进行了研究。论文分析了我国铁路运输业发展现代物流面临的机遇与挑战形势,提出了铁路运输业发展现代物流的发展战略、战略目标及指导原则,并在此基础上,提出了建立合肥北铁路现代物流中心的对策。从战略选择上,抓住安徽省经济快速发展和合肥铁路枢纽大建设的机遇,大力推进合肥铁路物流基础设施建设,配置先进的物流设备,改善服务和改进物流技术等降低成本,逐步建立现代化的物流中心及其网络体系“渐进式”发展战略。具体研究成果如下:①提出合肥铁路运输企业发展现代物流总体规划,争取与合肥市政府现代物流布局发展规划相适应,以取得相应的规划主动地位。②建议合肥铁路运输企业调整在市场经济环境下的经营定位和发展措施。在市场经济环境下铁路运输企业要做客户的战略同盟者、客户的战略投资人,企业的利润来源于与客户一起在物流领域创造的新价值。为此,要建立一个快速反应系统,为客户提供个性化的物流服务,改善与外部的关系,增强可持续性发展能力。③由于铁路只能提供“站到站”式铁路运输服务,品种单一,与现代物流的需求相差较大,因此,应依据需求,结合实情,对现有的资源进行整合改造,开发适宜市场需求的物流新产品。比如,利用自身设施和设备的实力,建立现代物流配送中心的基本条件,以满足合肥经济发展的需求。④运用现代物流理念,对现有的铁路运输网络中的仓库加以改造,赋予新的生命活力。

【Abstract】 This dissertation takes Hefei railage enterprise as its research sampling object. Guided by the theories such as Modern Logistics Theory and Communication & Transportation Theory and so on, this dissertation focuses on the countermeasures of developing the modern logistics in the railage enterprise by using research methods such as the combination of theory and practice, comparative analyzing and the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis and so on. Through analysis of the opportunities and challenges in developing modern logistics in Chinese railage industry, this dissertation puts forward the development strategy, the strategic targets, and the guiding principles in developing the railage industry. Then this paper raises the countermeasures of establishing the center of modern logistics in north Hefei on the basis of it. On the choice of strategy, this paper focuses on a progressive development strategy, namely, through seizing opportunities of the rapid economic development of Anhui province and the construction of Hefei railway hinge, vigorously promoting the construction of Hefei railway logistics infrastructure, reducing the cost of logistics by improving services and ameliorating logistics technologies, equipping advanced logistics devices and gradually establishing the modern logistics center and its network system. Specific research productions are as follows:i . Putting forward the overall programming of developing modern logistics in Hefei railage enterprise and making it coincide with the development programming of Hefei municipal modern logistics distribution in order to obtain the corresponding initiative.ii. Suggesting Hefei railage enterprise adjust its management orientation and development measures under the circumstances of the market economy. The railage enterprise should be the strategic confederate and investor of its clients. Profit of enterprise root in the new value created by both enterprise itself and its clients in logistics field. So, the railage enterprise needs to establish a rapid reaction system in order to provide its clients with individuational logistics service, improve the relationship between itself and exterior, enhance its ability of durative development.iii. Since the railway can only provide "station to station" railage service, its service of single variety cannot meet the demand of modern logistics. So, according to the demand, the railage enterprise needs to integrate and change the existing resources for exploiting the new product of logistics that can meet the market demand based on the present situation. For example, the railage enterprise needs to establish basic conditions of modern logistics distribution center by utilizing its own establishments to meet the demand of Hefei economic development.iv. Rebuilding the existing warehouses of railage network and giving them a new vitality by applying modern logistics concept.

  • 【分类号】F532.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】374

