

Ergonomic Design Based on QFD and TRIZ Theories

【作者】 徐晓亮

【导师】 韩春明;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 工业设计, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 人机工程设计的目的就是想让产品在未来的生产和使用中,不出现或少出现人机工程问题,而要实现这一点传统而言只能够在产品设计完毕之后,甚至制造出来之后才能去研究产品的人机问题,这就是人机工程设计的一个困境。如果发现了问题,要么去重新再设计制造,要么去通过一些附加物去改善以求得妥协。而这两种方法都要造成设计与制造的巨大的人力物力和时间的浪费,增加了产品开发的成本也延缓了产品上市的速度。通过研读QFD与TRIZ理论的资料,发现QFD与TRIZ理论以及相关的一系列方法就为创新的人机工程设计流程改进提供了方法论。本论文就提出把人机工程设计通过QFD结合到产品设计流程中,在流程的各个阶段发现分析存在的人机问题,再用TRIZ来解决比较复杂的人机问题,并用一个本人参与的产品开发实例来具体阐述应用的流程和方法。

【Abstract】 Ergonomic design is aimed that there is no or less in ergonomics issues, when products are in the production or use. To achieve this only after product design was completed or even was produced before research on human-computer products. It is a dilemma of ergonomic design. If it is found a problem, the only choice is either to re-design and manufacturing, or to adopt some additional structures to improve in order to achieve a compromise. These two methods will waste tremendous human and material resources and innumerable time of design and manufacture, will also increase product development costs and slow the pace to the market.Through the study of QFD and TRIZ theories, it is found that QFD and TRIZ theories provide a process improvement methodology of innovative ergonomic design. This paper proposes on using QFD to integral ergonomic design into product design processes, finding problems at all stages of the human factor analysis, and then applying TRIZ to solve the complex problem. Besides, this paper will give a specific example from personal participations in product development to explain the application process and methods.

【关键词】 人机工程设计QFDTRIZ
【Key words】 Ergonomic DesignQFDTRIZ

