

Ecological Suitability Analysis Based on GIS-ANN-GM

【作者】 王硕

【导师】 张树深;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 生态适宜性分析作为生态规划的核心组成部分同时也是区域环境影响评价的一个重要部分,是在调查搜集社会、自然要素资料并进行分析的基础上,对区域范围内土地资源的规划布局和理性评价,它实际上可根据区域环境的相对发展潜力和承载能力,指导区域生态环境功能的划分,从而将社会角度和生态角度结合在一起,对区域范围内各个小区域不同的资源利用方式给出最佳的选择与评价。在分析中综合考虑经济、生态、社会以及政策等因素,在此基础上能合理安排和布局区域内居住、工业、农业、交通等各项人类活动。同时生态适宜性分析也可以应用到对资源大量占用并对生态环境产生重大影响的基础设施建设的选址工作中。本文在综合分析众多土地生态适宜性分析方法的基础上,总结生态适宜性分析中存在的一些问题与不足,细致介绍了概率函数神经网络(PNN)、改进型误差反传递神经网络(IBP)应用于生态适宜性评价的方法的同时也创新性地提出了灰色模型(GM)以及地理信息系统(GIS)与前两种神经网络耦合技术应用于生态适宜性分析的技术方法体系,进而首次提出并建立了基于GIS-PNN-GM-IBP的土地生态适宜性分析模型,并将其应用在大连市土地生态适宜性分析的案例分析过程中,其分析评价结果与大连市相关土地利用规划进行对比具有一定的可靠性和准确性。该模型的提出在理论上主要解决了传统的权重加模糊综合评判法无法规避的主观影响问题,并通过GIS软件的应用简化了传统叠图法繁复的工作;实践上,通过本次生态适宜性分析评价结合大连市土地利用规划,对大连市三种土地利用类型的发展方向提出了一些较为有益的建议。最后,在总结了目前生态适宜性领域存在的一些问题的同时,也分析了本文中对于大连市生态适宜性分析中的一些不足和缺陷,以期对其他相关研究人员提供一定的意见。

【Abstract】 Ecological suitability analysis is the core of the ecological planning and the most important part of regional environmental impact assessment.It can be used to direct the ecological capability partation according to the regional and environmental development potential and capability based on reasonable assessment and planning of land resource according to the collection of the information and data of society and nature.It also can be used to choose the best manner and assessment of land-use.Considering the economic, ecological,social and political factor,the ecological suitability analysis is also used to planning the human action such as resident,industry,agriculture and traffic.Meanwhile,it also can be used to select the site of the most effective project occupied the most resource.In this paper,based on summing up the problem and objection of ecological suitability analysis,the application of the probability function neural network(PNN),Improvement back-propagation neral network(IBP) in ecological suitability analysis method was particular presented,meanwhile integrated analysis system of gray model(GM) and geography infomation system(GIS) was creationarily constituted.Then what was bring forward for the first time was GIS-ANN-GM model and application of the model in the case research of land-use resource suitability analysis in Dalian,the result of assessment with the GIS-ANN-GIS model was trusty and accuracy by the contrasting the land-use planning.In theory,the model deal the probelm mainly that deal the traditional method with subjectivity by GIS-PNN model and simplified the complex process by using GIS software.Actually,first one is conducting the ecological suitability assessment criteria and completing the research of ecological factor,and texting the assessment method and successfully comfirmed.Second one is propsing the better advice for three mind of land-use according to ecologcial suitability analysis combined the Dalian land-use planning.Finally,summary which conclude the probelm in the field of ecological suitability anaylysis and defects which was in the example of Dalian is proposed in the paper.


