

Studies on 3G Competition Strategies of Liaoning Unicom

【作者】 焦阳

【导师】 肖贵蓉;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 全球电信产业快速发展,中国电信改革不断深化,移动通信作为个人通信时代最具优势的通信方式,在近年仍然保持了高于业内其他业务的增长。目前国内移动通信市场,中国移动以65%的占有率处于市场领导者的角色,中国联通则以35%的市场占有率处于跟随者的地位。3G即将来临,在给移动带来市场机会的同时也带来了巨大的市场挑战,相对的市场平衡将打破,激烈的竞争再次上演。目前中国联通已经把CDMA网以1100亿的价格出售给电信,同时联通与网通合并组成新联通,重组后的中国电信市场将打破目前国内移动市场的双寡头垄断局面,移动、联通、电信均会以不同的方式拥有3G牌照。辽宁联通将在3G时代实行怎样的竞争策略,从而实现业务收入和用户数的快速增长。本文首先在对国外发达国家的3G商用发展现状分析;其次根据辽宁省内移动通信环境,利用波特五力模型和SWOT分析方法对辽宁联通面临的现状进行了剖析;最后通过对辽宁联通面对3G竞争状况的分析,提出了辽宁联通3G竞争策略,利用营销学系统理论,从人才储备、技术发展、业务准备及市场营销等四个方面进行分析提出相应的策略,并重点讨论市场营销策略,从品牌、成本、价格、渠道、服务、集团客户等六个方面提出3G时代辽宁联通的市场营销策略。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of global telecommunication industry and the further reforming of Chinese telecommunication industry, mobile communication, as the one at the peak of the personal communication, has still maintained relatively faster increasing than any other businesses.In present Chinese mobile telecommunication market, China Mobile plays a leading role by 65% market share, while China Unicom follows by 35%. As the 3G times is coming, the relative market balance broken, the intense competition reignited, China Mobile encounters both profitable chance and severe challenges. Nowadays China Unicom has already sold CDMA Net to China Telecom with 110 billion RMB and China Unicom has been combined with China Netcom into the New China Unicom at the same time. The double monopolization situation will be broken with the reorganization of Chinese telecommunication market, for several companies, such as China Unicom, China Mobile and China Telecom, will get the 3G license in different ways.To reveal which competition strategy Liaoning Unicom should take to accomplish the rapid increasing of the business revenue and subscribers’ scale, this paper begins with the analysis for current circumstance of Liaoning Unicom, using the famous strategy management method, Porter’s Five Forces Model and SWOT-Analysis. By analyzing the competition cases of Liaoning Unicom encounters thoroughly, the paper also suggests some measures about how to gain advantages in competition, which includes proposing corresponding tactics for talents reservation, technology development, business preparation and marketing in which the author emphasizes the marketing strategies by pointing out the 3G-relevant tactics from brands, costs, prices, channels and services.

【关键词】 3G移动通信市场竞争策略
【Key words】 3GMobile Communication MarketCompetition Strategies
  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】520

