

Design and Implementation of Mine Safety Management Information System Based on Ajax Technology

【作者】 梅琴

【导师】 冯林;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,越来越多的企业投入到了信息化建设的浪潮中去。信息化使我们从繁重的体力劳动中解放出来,借助先进的技术,提高企业的管理水平和经营水平。煤矿企业为了提高自身的安全生产能力,投入了大量的资金在企业内部建立安全管理信息系统,并取得了较大的成绩,但煤矿事故仍然时有发生,而事故发生后由于缺乏井下人员的相关信息,致使救援工作成效甚微。本文通过分析我国煤矿企业安全管理信息化现状,设计并实现了一个基于Ajax的煤矿企业安全管理信息系统。整个系统包括报警处理子系统和管理信息子系统两部分。报警处理子系统工作在服务器端,用于对井下的监测数据进行分析,判断矿井是否处于异常状态,以便及时的将报警数据写入数据库供管理信息子系统使用;管理信息子系统采用基于B/S的三层体系结构,客户端使用Ajax技术向服务器发送异步请求,服务器操作后台Oracle数据库完成业务逻辑处理,并将结果以XML形式返回给客户端,该子系统给用户提供一个交互平台,使用户能够实时的监控井下状态,同时当矿井出现异常状况时,该系统能及时的发出报警,防止煤矿事故的发生。本文介绍了Ajax技术的概念,分析了Ajax技术和传统Web应用程序的优缺点,结合实际情况,设计出了一套基于Ajax技术的管理信息系统应用框架,并将框架成功应用于系统中;同时,通过对系统的需求分析,介绍了系统主要模块的设计,并详细介绍了报警逻辑处理子系统的设计;然后介绍了Ajax技术在系统中的主要应用;最后介绍了系统主要模块的实现效果,对Ajax技术的安全性问题做了简要分析,并给出了保障系统安全性的解决方案。实验证明,通过将Ajax技术应用到系统中,不仅加快了客户端的响应速度、减轻了服务器的负担,同时也带来了更好的用户体验。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of computer technology, more and more enterprises come into Informatization Construction. Informatization makes us relief from heavy physical labor, business’s management level and operation level is improved by using this advanced technology. In order to improve their capacity of production safety, Coal enterprises invested a large amount of funds in the establishment of internal security management information system and have made great achievements. But coal mine accidents still occur from time to time, and the rescue efforts yielded little success because of lacking personnel information in mine after accidents.Through analysis of the current situation of China’s mine safety management information system, this paper designs and implements a Mine Safety Management Information System Based on Ajax Technology. The system includes two sub-systems, one sub-system is designed to processing alarms, and the other is designed to managing information. The first sub-system is working on the server-side, it’s used to analyze the data from mine and determine whether the mine is in an abnormal state in order to write the alarm data into database in time, and the data in database will be used by management information system; the other sub-system is a B/S system which based on three-tier structure, the client sends asynchronous request to the server using Ajax technology, the server completes the request by operating Oracle database, and sends the result to the client in XML format, the sub-system provides an interactive platform that allows user to monitor the underground state in time, at the same time, the system will dispatch an alarm when the mine is in an abnormal state.First, this paper introduces Ajax technology briefly, analyses the difference between Ajax technology and the traditional Web application, then designs a management information system framework based on Ajax technology, and have applied the framework in this system successfully. Then, the paper introduces the system’s mainly Modules’ design after analysis the system’s needs, and introduces the design of alarm management sub-system detailedly. Then, this paper introduces the applications of Ajax technology in the system. At last, the paper introduces the effect of system’s implementation, makes a brief analysis on the safety of Ajax technology and gives solution to make sure the system’s security. Experiments have proved the Ajax technology not only speed up the client’s response, reduce the burden on the server, and also brought about better user experience.

【关键词】 煤矿安全管理信息AjaxB/S
【Key words】 Mine SafetyManagement InformationAjaxB/S

