

The Research of Simulation System for Wavefront Coding Optical Passive Ranging

【作者】 李杨

【导师】 陈海清;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 物理电子学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 光电测距系统一直是学术研究的热点。不论是由于商业还是军事领域上广阔的应用前景,都使得各种光电测距方法得到了实验的机会。传统的测距方式多为主动测距系统。这类系统一般自带激光光源系统,使得整机结构复杂,因此在实践中逐渐暴露出体积大,移动性差等问题。一系列新的测距系统都不再自带光源系统,而是仅仅利用目标自身发射或者反射的光信号来进行距离的探测。这一类新型系统就是光电被动测距系统。本课题的主要内容就是研究光电被动测距相关的技术。传统上三角法等多目测距方法具有很高的探测精度和探测深度,但是这类系统在可靠性和系统结构上仍然表现不佳,应用场合受到限制。仅仅使用一个探测器就能实现测距目的的单目测距系统在很多下可以取代多目测距系统。为了尽可能的简化测距系统,课题致力于单目被动测距新方法的研究,特别是结构简单的波前编码法系统。本文着重探讨了波前编码法单目被动测距方法,重点讨论了多种常见测距方案的优缺点并阐述了光电被动测距系统研究中具有很大实际应用价值的新方案——波前编码法的基本理论。列举了光学仿真系统的整体设计方案,着重介绍了用于仿真被动光学测距系统仿真的数字图像生成模块的设计与实现方案。展示了波前编码法光电被动测距系统设计方案下光学系统仿真的结果。仿真结果很好的验证了模块设计的合理性。最后指出了仿真系统今后的改进方向,并且针对光学实验平台的搭建做出了一些初步的设计。

【Abstract】 Studies on ranging have been a hot topic for centuries. Systems and applications for both commercial and military purposes are realized. Most of these systems are active, which contain laser subsystems to emit light beams. Because the active systems are usually large, what is a big problem for several critical applications. Later ranging systems drop the active part, and instead estimate the ranges out of the radiation or reflection light from objects. These systems are passive.Systems using triangle methods perform as precisely as those active systems. Because of multiple sensors deployed inside, the systems, named multi-sensor passive systems, are not yet reliable enough. Compared to them, a new kind of designs with only one sensor is more appealing which also leads to a much simpler composition of components. Single-lens systems lead the way of the trends and many different approaches have been developed through these years.This paper presents basic theory on the optic wave-front coding passive ranging approach. Because the optic design is the most important part, in order to test and tune the work before fabrication, it is necessary to build up a simulation library. Simulation is an important process during optical passive ranging system design. A good image simulator can make the simulation correct and robust. Based on information optics theory, an applicable image simulator is designed and implemented to simulate system OTF and PSF. After testing in two different applications, the result is satisfactory.


