

Research of Evacuation Behavior Simulation Based on Virtual Space

【作者】 李蔚

【导师】 余庄;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 疏散中的人群,其行为既受外界诸多因素的影响,又受到人们的心理状况影响。对于这种复杂的现象,很难用数学式子来总结其行动的规律。人群疏散过程通常涉及大量的人员,进行过程中可能发生的各种意外和对于突发事件的不可预测性使实验难以进行。因此,在研究人员疏散时,计算机仿真是主要的研究手段。通过对现有疏散仿真研究成果的分析和比较发现,目前在该领域针对疏散人群的计算机仿真一般只局限于二维平面的网格,其研究方法和途径通常通过现实环境的调查统计,总结出特定环境下的人群仿真规律并抽象提出数学模型,再依据现有的数学模型建立基于二维网格的疏散仿真系统。本文提出基于虚拟现实技术的人群仿真平台并实现其中部分功能,达到疏散算法的三维模拟效果。在对现有各种仿真模型的比较和总结的基础上,本文建立了一个疏散仿真模型。基于实用性与性能权衡的考虑,该模型采用微观离散型的仿真建模技术。通过将影响疏散过程的多种因素的引入,该模型可以较为真实地模拟出真实状况下的人群疏散动态。与现有的模型相比,通过环境状态变量参数值的不同选取,这个模型可以仿真模拟不同状况下的疏散动态,因而具有更大的灵活性。基于虚拟现实软件Worldtoolkit(WTK)开发了虚拟现实仿真系统,对疏散模拟取得合理性结果。通过对人群疏散行为的数学分析和建模,对人群疏散模型运动规律提出普适性疏散算法,提出环境状态变量概念和个体状态的参数方程。并在虚拟现实界面下实现该算法的仿真,即实现人体节点对环境状态变量的感知,识别,判定,决策和行动的过程。在对不可预测的突发事件,建立突发事件场景和中断,对虚拟场景的环境状态变量的检测,通过疏散决策算法对条件进行匹配和判定,从而得出决策行为,反应在虚拟场景中的人群疏散行为上,以可视化方式显示新的人群行为。数据输出接口实现模块对高层用户的数据传递,创建数据传递接口,实现对传感器行为记录,对决策支持提供具有参考价值的数据。也可以适用于其他建筑物设计阶段进行疏散仿真模拟,以检查设计的合理性,对设计进行优化。系统可用于在人群大规模聚集的场所,在突发事件发生下最优疏散策略研究中具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 The behavior evacuation crowd depends greatly on the interactions among crowd members and many other factors. So, it is very difficult to formulate it. On the other hand, the number of people must be evacuated is usually very high in emergent situation. It is impossible to do experiment like that due to the great expenditure and the possibility of accidents. So, the main feasible tool can be used to study evacuation dynamics is computer simulation.By analysis and compared of the research results of evacuation simulation, we can find that the computer simulation is commonly by planar grid in this domain of evacuation. The research methods are generally by investigative and statistical analysis in reality, and summed up the rule of evacuation crowed in special environment to get the abstract mathematics models. Create the planar grid evacuation simulation system by the mathematics models already existed. The evacuation simulation platform based on virtual reality is advanced in this paper. And it implements the three-dimensional simulation effect.Based on the analysis of existing microscopic models, a new evacuation simulation model was presented in this paper. Concerned the tradeoff of application and performance, this model was built by the techniques of discrete microscopic model building. With the introduction of many factors, the model can simulate evacuation dynamics under various situations. Comparing with existing models, this one is more flexible.Based on this model, developed the virtual reality simulation system (VRSS) used the virtual reality software worldtoolkit (WTK), and got the reasonable results of evacuation simulation. The general evacuation arithmetic to the behavior rules of evacuation crowd model through the analysis and modeling of evacuation behavior is advanced and the concept of environment status variable and agent status parameter function advanced in the paper. Implement this arithmetic simulation in the VR interface. Implement the response, identify, estimate, decision-making and action process of the agent node to the environment status variable. Build the incident scene and intermit in the uncertain emergency, detect the environment status variable of the virtual environment, made the decision-making and action by matching and estimation of the conditions with the evacuation arithmetic. Display the evacuation behavior by the virtual environment. Implement the data output interface to the user, create the data transfer interface, record the sensor behavior, and supply the valuable data to the decision-making supporting. It also uses for the design phase of the building simulation to check the building rationality and optimize the design. The system has important significance in the cosmically crowd congregate location to the optimization evacuation strategy research in emergency.


