

Research on the Lean Supply Logistics in Food Enterprise

【作者】 雷勇

【导师】 刘志学;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 人类社会的生产方式经历了单件生产——大量生产——精益生产的历程。精益生产综合了单件生产和大量生产的优点,是一种高柔性、低成本的生产模式,以不断消除浪费、精益求精为目的的管理思想。将精益生产的思想扩展到整个供应链中,以顾客需求为导向,实现从原材料采购到生产制造再到产品销售,即产品生产与流通整个过程的精益化管理,运用精益思想将供应商、制造商、分销商以及客户有机地整合并形成利益共同体,实现供应链整体效益最优。本文站在实施精益生产的制造商的角度,研究食品企业精益物流在企业中实现问题,提出精益物流实施策略是在企业实行拉动需求生产模式下,透过管理信息平台支撑,在组织内部实现精益目标。首先论述精益生产理论及运行体系,然后分析精益供应物流的目标、基础、核心及支撑力量,在结合食品制造企业供应物流的特点的同时,指出精益供应物流实现的关键和策略。最后结合食品制造企业如何实现精益物流的方法与步骤,分析食品企业如何在完成需求拉动生产模式过程中采用精益思想对各个流程进行优化,在企业内部精益供应物流管理思想目标下,选择适合企业的信息管理系统和供应链信息共享体系;阶段性精益组织结构和职能分工优化;采用高效物流配送模式以达到提高物流相应速度与质量;以及与供应商建立战略企业合作关系;同时针对食品企业产品安全与质量体系要求而采用现代精益库存管理等先进管理策略达到企业精益供应物流的目的。

【Abstract】 The production of human society has experienced single pieces of production - mass production - Lean Production course. Lean Production of the single-piece integrated production and the advantages of mass production, is a high-Flexible, low-cost production model to continuously eliminate waste, for the purpose of better management thinking. Lean thinking will be extended to the whole supply chain, customer demand-driven to achieve from the purchase of raw materials to manufacturing and then to product sales, production and circulation of the whole process of lean management, supply will be used Lean thinking , manufacturers, distributors and customers to integrate and form organic interests of the Community, to achieve optimal efficiency of the overall supply chain.This thesis stands in the angle of manufacturers implementing the lean production, has studied the problem of implementation of lean production in supply chains combining the lean thinking and supply chain thinking, think that the implementation tactics of the lean production in supply chains is forming a lean supply chain regarding manufacturers as key enterprises. First ,the thesis discusses the theory and operation system of lean production , and then it analyses the objectives, basic, core strength and support of the lean logistics supply in the field of food manufacturing enterprises. At the same time, the thesis points out the key factors of it. Finally based on the lean production methods and steps of food manufactures enterprises, it gives a way to optimize the various processes in the supply logistics enterprise; it also helps to choose an adaptable management information system and share it. In order to achieve a corresponding increase speed and quality, this thesis suggests to apply lean organizational structure of functions division and establish strategic cooperative relations between enterprises. At the same time, according to the requirement of food safety and quality, it emphasizes to attain the goal of lean logistics with advanced management strategies such as modern lean management.

【关键词】 食品制造精益供应精益物流
【Key words】 food manufacturinglean supplylean logistics
  • 【分类号】F274;F407.82
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】444

