

Computing Research for Lightning Protection of Overhead Distribution Lines

【作者】 蒋伟

【导师】 陈俊武;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高电压与绝缘技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的发展,特别是高新技术产业的兴起,用户对电能质量的要求越来越高,配电系统是电力系统中接近用户的一级,是电力系统的重要组成部分,其安全性对用户有着重大的影响,而10kV和35kV架空线路由于绝缘等级较低,而由雷电引起的跳闸事故占总跳闸事故的70%~80%,尤其是在多雷,土壤电阻率高,地形复杂的区域,中压架空线路遭受雷击的概率更高,严重地威胁着电网运行的安全。架空线路的雷害事故一般分为以下三种:雷直击杆塔顶,雷直击线路,感应雷过电压,同时,雷击线路闪络后的雷电波将沿线路侵入线路侵入发电厂和变电站,产生更严重的威胁,因此对目前的线路防雷现状和各种通用防雷手段进行比较和研究,可以为防护雷电过电压,提高线路的安全可靠性及防雷设计提供有价值的参考依据。本论文总结了目前配网10kV以及35kV系统架空线路防雷的现状和使用的通用防雷措施及方法,并以10kV和35kV典型杆塔和线路状况为依据,采用国际通用先进的图形化的电磁暂态计算程序(ATPDraw 3.4),对线路的各种状况,雷击方式以及现有的防雷手段进行建模仿真,对各种参数及影响防雷效果和耐雷水平的措施进行计算和分析。文中对过电压保护器安装方式和密度,雷击点位置,杆塔接地电阻,线路绝缘水平,耦合地线,以及线路避雷器在35kV线路上的几种应用方式,综合进行了比较和研究。

【Abstract】 Based on the development of market economic, especially the rising of high-technology, users take more and more attention on electric quality. As an important component part of power system, distribution system is nearer to user. The reliability of distribution power supply have great effect to consumer. Accidents caused by thunder account for 70%~80% of whole circuit trip accidents, especially in some area where the lightning activates strongly and the terrain is very complex and the soil resistance is very high. probability of lightning flashover will be higher, accident of lightning poses a great thread to the safe operation of distribution system.There are three sources of lightning stroke damage in overhead transmission line: straight lightning strike on tower top, round strike or straight strike to conductor and lightning induced surge. In addition, lightning incoming surge along the lines will intrude the power plant and substation after lightning flashover, it brings great menace to many electrical equipments. So based on present situation of overhead transmission line, study and compareson on current regular efforts for lightning protection have very important significance. The study can also provides a reference basis for operation work and design of lightning protection.This paper summarizes the present situation and regular efforts for lightning protection of overhead lines up to 35kV.Based on the general conditions of tower and lines operated at 35kV and 10kV,the paper builds up some simulated calculation models for lightning overvoltage on the transmission lines by means of international universal advanced graphic electromagnetic transient calculation program ATPDraw3.4. The main work of this paper is calculation and theoretical analysis about all practicable efforts(such as installing overhead ground wires,upgrading insulation,improving grounding system of line poles and tower,adding lightning arresters along the line)to protect overhead high voltage transmission line from lightning strike.The paper proves that current regular efforts for lightning protection are still practical and effective,and provides some improving ideas for traditional protective measures.

  • 【分类号】TM862
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】994

