

Golfing Landscapes with Blending Function of Playing and Viewing

【作者】 李臻

【导师】 孙吉雄;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 草业科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 起源于苏格兰的高尔夫运动至今已有500多年的历史,但直到19世纪苏格兰才开始出现对高尔夫球场的专业设计。英国19世纪中页的自然式造园运动对高尔夫球场景观产生了不可磨灭的影响,风景园林界对环境景观的设计理念波及到了同样需要进行环境设计的高尔夫球场,奠定了高尔夫球场景观崇尚自然、关注运动环境的基调。在随后150多年的发展中,高尔夫运动流行的区域越来越广阔。由于每个区域的环境特点和地理条件各不相同,球场景观的风格也不断的发生着变化,从最初海边的林克斯球场衍生出沙漠球场、平地球场、山地球场、森林球场等众多风格各异的球场类型。构成球场景观的元素也逐渐丰富起来,设计者借鉴风景园林界的经验,将这些构成元素归纳为:建筑、地形、沙地、植被、水体、山石等,在球场景观设计中有机的整合利用。高尔夫运动对自然的关注决定了其尊重环境的设计原则。高尔夫追求因地制宜、和谐共存的球场设计,同时也强调球场“可玩性”、“可观性”、“可维护性”的基本功能要求。在这样的背景下,高尔夫球场景观的设计变得十分微妙。首先,设计时要同步考虑景观作为球场的组成部分分担球场的使用功能和美化球场环境时满足球场的观赏功能,最终确定的球场景观是这两个要求的协调统一。其次,景观要与球场风格、总体布局、球道环境和难度紧密结合、相得益彰。这种设计上的特点使球场景观一开始就受到观赏功能和使用功能的双重影响,最后根据球道具体条件在二者之间找到一种平衡。因此球场景观的观赏功能和使用功能是相互影响相互制约的,这种互为因果、密不可分的关系最终形成了揉融观赏功能和使用功能为一体的高尔夫球场景观。

【Abstract】 Although the game of golf has been played in Scotland over 5 hundred years, the actual profession of golf course architecture been established in Scotland until 19th century. The design of golfing landscapes can be closely allied with landscape gardening in 1950s. Influenced by the principles of English landscape gardeners, golfing landscapes paid more attention to nature view and sports environment.The growing popularity of golf in the following 150 years result in the diversification of golfing landscapes styles, including coastal, inland parkland, desert, mountain, and prairie courses. The elements of golfing landscapes increased also. Golf architects classified them as architecture, terrain, sand, plant, water, rock etc. and organized them as an organic whole.Since the consideration of nature, golf course was designed according to local conditions, coexistence and the“3P”(Playability, Pulchritude, Practicality). It made the design becoming subtleties. As a part of golf architects, the landscape design was responsible for both playing function and viewing function. People should balance the both and making a final decision. Further more, it should be a complex of style, layout, surroundings and maneuver.This design approach initiated a double affectation of the playing function and viewing function and a harmonious blend of both. The interactional and interdependent relationship resulted in the blending of playing function and viewing function of golfing landscapes.

  • 【分类号】S688.4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】347

