

Study on Patent Indirect Infringement

【作者】 胡杰

【导师】 郑友德;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 民商法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 专利间接侵权制度在专利法中有重要的理论价值和实践意义,在国外确立已经有很长时间,但我国专利法一直没有对其做出规定,司法实践中一般根据共同侵权理论来解决相关纠纷。为了更合理地界定专利权人的利益与社会公众利益,完善侵权行为理论及满足知识产权司法实践的需要,应该确立专利间接侵权制度的独立体系。本文首先对专利间接侵权制度的由来及其与相关概念的比较进行了研究,在梳理国外立法例以及国内的相关研究后,笔者认为专利间接侵权有一般侵权的共性,但出于经济政策和立法的利益平衡需要,更多的表现出了其特殊性,应承认专利间接侵权行为的相对独立性。间接侵权行为只有在法律有明文规定的情况下,侵权人才承担相应的责任,文章对间接侵权的类型化进行了初步研究,把擅自处分专利权等行为排除在外,严格限定了其范围。最后,从违法行为、主观故意、损害事实及因果关系四个方面研究了专利间接侵权责任的构成要件,并探讨了司法实践中专利间接侵权责任的分担模式。我国专利法第三次修改应审慎对待专利间接侵权制度的各个环节,在制度设计上,区分间接侵权行为与间接侵权责任;建立以帮助型侵权为主体,引诱型侵权为补充的专利间接侵权制度,并注重该制度与版权法、反垄断法及民法基本制度的协调。

【Abstract】 The rules of patent indirect infringement have been established in developed countries for a long time due to its theory value and practice significance, but it is not clarified in Chinese patent law. As a result, relative cases are generally ruled by the theory of joint tort in the judicatory practice. In these cases, the substantive patent indirect infringement is on the schedule to demarcate the benefits of patentee and public, consummate infringement theory and tally with practice. With the research on the origin, definition and the domestic and international relative legislation of patent indirect infringement, the paper believes that the substantive patent indirect infringement should be acknowledged as patent indirect infringement shows more particularity than commonness with other tort. The indirect infringing party bears the corresponding legal liability only defined by law, therefore, the paper classifies indirect infringements to confine it within a strict boundary, knocking off the behaviors such as abusing patent rights. Lastly, the paper probes the important constructive elements of indirect infringements from four aspects: legal offense, subjective intent, damage fact and causality and analyses the legal liabilities of patent indirect infringement. The third amendment of Chinese Patent Law is supposed to deliberate every link, differentiate indirect infringement behavior and liability, establish the rules of patent indirect infringement with the subject of contributory infringement and the supplement of inducement of infringement, and coordinate it with Copyright Law, Antitrust Law and fundamental rules of Civil Law.


