

The Conflict and Coordination Between Digital Rights Management and Fair Use in Copyright Law

【作者】 冯明杰

【导师】 王干;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 民商法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 数字技术发展方兴未艾,版权法正遭受着前所未有的挑战。DRM及其法律保护,一方面强化了版权人对其作品的控制,另一方面却事实上地挤压了公众合理使用的空间。研究DRM与合理使用的冲突及协调,防止DRM及其反规避立法过于倾向保护版权人的利益,以致架空合理使用制度,关乎着DRM将在怎样的法律框架下发展,更对实现数字时代版权人与公众之间的利益平衡,鼓励作品的创作及其传播,最终促进社会文化和科学的发展具有重要意义。本文重点关注以下几个方面的问题:第一、DRM与合理使用相冲突的外在表现、内在根源及其负面影响;第二、以何种理论为基础协调两者间的冲突,相关协调途径何在;第三、我国现行法律对两者冲突的回应及出路何在。对于第一个问题,学界一般从技术措施的功能和实现结果的角度进行研究。笔者另辟蹊径,即从分析DRM的理论体系内容、DRM法律保护的缘起和其价值链内的利益需求入手,对域外DRM反规避立法现状及典型案例进行比较分析,揭示了冲突外在表现的三个方面内容,并着重强调DRM给合理使用带来了技术和法律的双重壁垒。此外,本文将两者冲突的内在根源归结为数字技术发展、版权法双重目标和发达国家经济利益主导等三方面的因素;最后,本文阐述了两者冲突的消极影响,以期为下文埋下伏笔。关于第二个问题,笔者认为技术、社会和法律环境的变迁将对版权利益调整不可忽视。在分析DRM法律保护的性质之后,笔者认为实施DRM是版权人为保护自身版权的一种自助,为DRM提供法律保护是对版权人权利的强化;虽然,DRM反规避立法和合理使用都有其存在的合理性,但DRM反规避规则赋予版权人的权利超过了传统的版权法的限度,其与合理使用所体现的利益平衡精神相割裂。故此,本文将版权利益平衡原理作为协调两者冲突的理论基础。根据发达国家的已有经验,笔者并不主张现阶段直接将合理使用适用于DRM反规避例外范围,而是认为这一协调途径必须建立在一定条件之上。遵循这一思路,笔者提出了其他几条可供参考的协调途径,其中包括:以科技立法引导DRM的价值取向、建立合理的DRM立法协商程序、建立合理使用应用的协商机制、动态修正合理使用的范围、建立特别费征收制度和利用版权集体管理制度等。关于最后一个问题,本文认为,欲制定适当的法律以协调好两者冲突,必须考虑到我国DRM技术的发展水平和应用状况、版权保护现状、经济科技发展水平和社会承受能力等诸多因素。笔者在评析现行法律相关规定后,结合我国实际情况,并借鉴发达国家成功经验,提出了完善我国相关立法的一些思路。

【Abstract】 Development of digital technology promotes the revision of the copyright law continually. Digital Rights Management(abbr. DRM)is the most direct instrument to protect the copyright owners’ rights. At the same time, the circumvention devices and services emerge, in order to encourage copyright owners to digitalize their works and transmit them on the network, many countries provide protection for the DRM applied by the owners of the works. Some critics point out that the DRM may conflict with traditional copyright law in that they erode fair use, which will destroy the balance of the benefits maintained by copyright law. In fact, DRM has made an unprecedented challenge to the fair use system. The solution of this problem concerns that in which kind of a legal situation that DRM will develop and how to keep copyright’s traditional balance between the copyright owners’ benefits and the public benefits.In this paper, we will pay attention to connected problems as follows: what is the external appearance, intrinsic reasons and negative effects of the conflict between DRM and fair use? what kind of theory is the foundation the coordination, and where is the way of the correlation coordination? at present, how do our country make law to deal with the conflicts?Regarding the first question,scholar generally research it from the angle of DRM’s function. In this foundation, the thesis analyzed the DRM’s theory system,the necessity of the DRM’s legal protection, the benefit demand of various participant in DRM’s value chain,compared with the difference of DRM’s anti-circurnvention rules and the typical case in the developed country and summarized the conflict external appearance. The thesis stressed that DRM has erode the fair use system from technology and legal two aspects. Moreover, the thesis thought the intrinsic reason of the conflict comes from the digital technology development, the copyright law’s dual goal and the developed country initiative behavior, and then the thesis analyzed negative effects of the conflicts.About the second question,the thesis thought the revision of copyright law cannot neglect technical, social and the legal factor effected the benefit balance of copyright. DRM is important self-service means to protect the interests of copyright owners in digital era. Although, DRM’s anti-circurnvention rule and fair use all have theirs rationality, but the copyrighter’s rights endowed by DRM’s anti-circurnvention rules surpass to the traditional copyright, which departed from benefit balanced spirit of the fair use. Therefore, coordination between DRM and fair use have to establish on the basis of the principle of benefit balance. According to this theory, the thesis proposed several constructive ways. It mainly includes: guiding DRM’s value orientation by the copyright law, establishing reasonable legislation procedure of DRM, establishing reasonable application mechanism of the fair use, revising dynamically the fair use system, levying the special expense and using collective management of copyright and so on.About the last question, the article point out that when formulate law to coordinate the conflicts, we must consider many important factors in china, such as DRM’s technology and the application level, the situation of copyright protection, the development of economy and technology and so on. After making use of the success experiences of the developed country, the article proposed some methods for revising our correlative laws.

  • 【分类号】D923.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】253

