

A Brief Analysis of Xunzi’s "Ritual and Desire"

【作者】 陈果

【导师】 唐琳;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 中国哲学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 荀子是中国历史上最早系统的论述礼问题的一位思想家,只有荀子才从十分广阔的而且又是唯一的属于人的背景中——人的本性出发,比较确切的判定了礼的根源及本质、功能。可以说荀子哲学思想的核心概念与传统儒家相同,他的礼讲的是等级制的道德和行为规范。但不同的是,传统儒家把礼的起源归结为先天的道德观念,荀子则认为礼是根源于欲的。荀子的礼欲观,是其基于社会现实,在对诸子百家思想的批判与继承的基础上构建的思想体系。关于礼之产生根源,很多学者都笼统言礼是由人欲引发的“性恶”而产生。一方面,认为欲即为性恶,未看到欲合理的一部分;另一方面,没看到荀子所言“性”与孟子所言“性”的区别,未对性作清楚的界定。我觉得应该从人的自然性到人的社会性分而论之。而“圣人制之”也只是其所从出,并非其根源。无论讲“明分使群”、“化性起伪”,也都并非其根源。礼的作用是导欲,如果说礼一开始是用来节欲,那么以“中”为之要义的礼同时也起到养的作用,使人欲在一定规范下得到满足和调节,从而达到进则近尽,退则节求的目的。荀子援法入礼,提出“隆礼重法”,礼法并重,礼法有着紧密的联系,他们共同作用于欲,但其区分在于,礼更侧重于积极的规范引导性,法则侧重于外在的强制性。整篇文章围绕荀子礼欲观的阐述而展开,有欲遂有礼,有礼方可导欲,援法入礼作用于欲,从而建立荀子心目中完善的社会体系。

【Abstract】 Xunzi is one of the earliest ideologists who systematically address the issue of ritual. He is the only one who discuss the problem from an both extremely wider perspective, exclusively taking human being itself as well as its nature into account. Thus, he traced the origin, the essence and the function. It is roughly same for the core concepts in Xunzi’s philosophic thought and the traditional Confucianism. By ritual, he means the moral and behaving guidelines in a hierarchical system. There is a difference, however, between the two. The traditional Confucianism regards the source of ritual is an innate moral conception, while Xunzi considers it is originated from desire.The relation between the ritual and the desire proposed by Xunzi is a philosophy system based on the social reality, criticizing and inheriting from Pre-Qin scholars’thoughts. Many scholars generally believed the ritual originates from malicious human nature which comes from the desire. First, they think the desire itself is a wicked human nature, while omit its reasonability; second, dislike Xunzi, they have not considered the difference between the“human nature”proposed by Xunzi and the one by Mengzi, and have not realized a clear boundary. The issue should be discussed from the naturalness to the sociality of human beings. Ritual comes from the establishment of sage which is not its root, but“mingfenshiqun”and“huaxingqiwei”are also not its root, either. The function of the ritual is to dredge the desire. If the ritual is regarded to limit one’s desire, the majority idea of the ritual, known as“the constant mean”, also helps the desire. It satisfies and adjusts one’s desire under a regulation, and thus achieves the aim that to meet most desires in the best case, while to limit them in a worse case. Xunzi introduces the law into the concept of the ritual and proposes“emphasizing on both the ritual and the law”, as well as to connect the two tightly. Xunzi always uses“the ritual and the law”at a same time, by which he means they both act on the desire. However, the difference relying on them is that by the ritual, it gives more emphasis on active regulation and guidance, while by the law, it gives more emphasis on the external constraint.This thesis is organized based on Xunzi’s thoughts on the ritual and the desire, and insists that the desire produces the ritual while the ritual helps assist the desire. The law is also introduced in order to act on the desire. By above means, the ideal social system in Xunzi’s thought is realized.

【关键词】 荀子
【Key words】 Xunziritualthe desirehuman naturethe law
  • 【分类号】B222.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】201

