

Social Security System and Its Reform in South Korea

【作者】 万顺芳

【导师】 丁建定;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会保障, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 二十世纪60-80年代初韩国按照“增长第一,福利第二”的发展策略,经济持续发展,但由于政府忽视社会发展,社会保障体系的建立仅停留在初级阶段。本文考察韩国社会保障的发展过程,将20世纪60年代至今韩国社会保障的发展分为五阶段。随着韩国经济持续20多年的增长与民主化的发展,80年代后期政府不断建立与完善社会保障制度如四大社会保险与公共扶助政策,但由于韩国社会保障支出在整个国民经济中所占比重较小,导致在亚洲金融危机时,大部分民众失去生活来源,社会矛盾激化导致社会动荡。金融危机后政府努力扩大社会福利网,致力于社会与经济的均衡发展。近几年,伴随经济全球化与韩国民主化进程的加快,在新的发展环境下,韩国社会保障制度的发展面临新的问题,特别是人口快速老龄化成为韩国社会保障改革的主要原因之一,未来韩国社会保障制度的发展将在巩固基础保障的前提下,逐步扩大社会保障的覆盖面,政府将增大社会福利投资,建立可持续的社会服务国家。

【Abstract】 During the 1960s, the government of South Korea pursued a policy of“economic growth first and distribution next”. With rapid economic growth in the 1960s, unequal opportunities and distribution of income among social classes emerged as concerns for policymakers and politicians. To provide the poor with basic needs, the government passed several welfare acts. With high economic growth from 1970s to the middle of 1990s, South Korea has built its welfare system step by step.Under the Asian financial crisis in 1997, South Korea has experienced the most signification to and extension of the welfare system. The extension of the Korean welfare system such as the National Pension Scheme was expanded to the urban area by dint of the crisis. After recovery from the crisis the welfare system is facing the most complicated social and economic environment. By examining both the positive and negative impacts of social polarization and the limit of the coverage of universal pension scheme, this paper will argue that Korea will rebuild and extent its welfare system and the most important point is to enhance the basic social security to all the people to against the risk in the globalization world.

【关键词】 韩国社会保障改革
【Key words】 South KoreaSocial securityReform
  • 【分类号】D731.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】517

