

An Experimental Study of the Effects of Involvement Amounton the L2 Indirect Vocabulary Acquisition

【作者】 谭华

【导师】 梁丽;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,国外的一些偶然词汇习得研究都表明带任务的阅读比纯阅读更能促进阅读过程中的词汇习得。尽管偶然性学习可以增加词汇习得,但是其习得过程是缓慢的,并且习得哪些词汇,什么时候习得及习得至何种程度都无法预料。基于这些问题,Laofer与Hulstjn(2001)构建了参与量假设。该假设认为阅读中不同的任务可以促使学习者对词汇进行不同程度的认知加工,任务所导致的加工认知程度越高,词汇保持效果越好。该假设的提出使认知心理学界公认的加工层次学说变得可操作化。其理论价值勿庸置疑,但它在多大程度上能指导教学实践则需要更多的实证研究对其进行证明与修正。为验证并丰富参与量假设,并进一步比较该理论中各指标对词汇记忆是否发挥同等作用,来自华南理工大学大一非英语专业三个英语平行班的112名学生参加了本次实验。本文针对同一英文短篇设计了三种课堂阅读任务(其参与量指数分别为1,3,3),分派给三个实验组完成,并进行了两次偶然词汇习得的测试以检测任务对词汇记忆与保持的效应。此外由于参与量假设未考察认知加工的量的作用,本实验增加了词汇出现频次对词汇保持作用的探讨,并比较了参与量和频次对偶然词汇习得的作用。研究结果表明:1)两项实验结果支持了参与量假设及参与量大的任务比参与量小的任务对目标词的保持更好;词汇知识在参与量大的任务下比在参与量小的任务下保持得更长。2)在参与量相同时,“评估”指标比“搜索”指标对词汇保持更好。3)词汇出现频次对偶然词汇习得有促进作用,尤其是当频率高到一定程度时,其效果比高参与量任务对仅出现过一次的词汇的作用更明显。基于以上研究,文章进一步对英语词汇教学提出了一些建设性意见。教师可以根据教学目的或生词的难易程度设计不同的阅读任务来帮助学生习得生词,也可以提供更多的机会让学生运用生词。同时,词汇出现的频次也影响到偶然性词汇习得且词汇记忆明显地随时间推移而衰退,学习者应广泛进行阅读以提高自己的词汇量,教师也应鼓励学生多读或通过每周布置一定的阅读量来巩固学生的词汇知识。

【Abstract】 Although indirect learning has been found to enhance lexical acquisition, the process by which indirect vocabulary acquisition occurs is slow, and there is no way to predict which words will be learned, when, nor to what degree. The Involvement Amount Hypothesis constructed by Laofer and Hulstjn (2001) has gone some way towards handling these problems. The authors hypothesized that the word retention was conditional upon the amount of involvement while processing these words, that is to say, the greater the involvement, the more effective the learning is, which puts the“level of processtheory”into practice.To test and enrich the hypothesis, 112 non-English freshmen from three parallel classes in South University of Technology were assigned three commonly-used reading-based tasks, which are different in amount of involvement in terms of word processing. To modify the hypothesis, the effect of exposure frequency on incidental vocabulary learning is also investigated through two target words with quite different amount of exposure.Results indicate that: 1) Tasks with higher involvement, in general, lead to better words retention than that of low involvement; 2) The weight of evaluating component is greater than search component on word knowledge retention; 3)The exposure frequency of the word plays an important and intricate role in vocabulary retention. When the amount of exposure reaches a certain degree, the effect it brings is even greater than that of higher involvement on words with single exposure.Based on the above conclusions, some pedagogical implications are made as follows. The study proves that tasks with higher involvement lead to better word retention than tasks with lower one and it offers our language teachers with some reasonable criteria to operationalize the elaboration or processing depth when we indirectly learn the words in some reading-based tasks. Language teachers can design after-reading tasks to direct learners’attention to the new words and process them with different degrees of involvement. Moreover, because of the memory leakage as time passes by, teachers should find ways to ensure the reoccurrence of the L2 words so that learners can have better retention of the target words.


