

The Electromagnetic Optimization of Superconducting Magnet

【作者】 孙铮

【导师】 唐跃进;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来超导磁体已经获得迅速发展,已经在超导发电机、超导变压器、超导电缆、超导限流器以及超导磁储能系统等领域获得广泛应用。因为它与常规的磁体相比,有更好的经济性和运行特性,而且在一些条件下,超导磁体是唯一的可取方案。基于超导磁体的诸多优点和在特定条件下不可替代的优势,对于超导磁体的设计,制造工作也在国内外竞相展开。首先,本文介绍了磁体设计中的磁场理论研究和广泛应用于电磁领域的有限元分析软件ANSYS,并以单螺管磁体为例论证了ANSYS用于电磁场计算的可靠性。然后,对于新型超导材料MgB2论证了其用于磁体制备的可行性。借用模拟退火算法和遗传算法的思想,结合ANSYS优化工具,针对MgB2超导材料的特性进行了35kJ储能磁体优化设计,得到一种新颖的磁体结构。最后,由于螺管型磁体会出现较强漏磁场,会对其在工程中的应用带来的不便,本文介绍了几种磁屏蔽的方法,并以六螺管轴线式磁体为例分析了几何尺寸对磁体电磁特性的影响。针对工程实际中可能的应用,分别以两个不同的优化目标,对二螺管、四螺管、六螺管轴线式磁体进行了优化设计。传统的磁体设计依靠电磁场基本理论,计算中引入大量的公式,过程繁琐而且误差较大,本文将ANSYS有限元分析软件应用于磁体设计,使磁体的设计优化工作更加简洁、结果更加准确可靠。所以,本课题中所研究的基于有限元分析的超导储能磁体设计方法具有简明、准确、可行的特点,具有较强的实用性。

【Abstract】 Recently with the development of superconducting magnet technology, superconducting magnet is widely used in electrical region such as superconducting motor, superconducting transformer, superconducting cable, SFCL (superconducting fault current limiter), SMES (superconducting magnetic energy system) and so on. Comparing with the common magnet, the superconducting magnet is more economical and applied. And sometimes it is unique in the special condition. Because of its unique superiority, a lot of designing and fabricating work about it is developed all over the world.Firstly, the electromagnetic theory and the FEA software ANSYS which are applied in the design of superconducting magnet are introduced. Then the author demonstrates ANSYS is responsible when it is used in electromagnetic analysis.Secondly, the author demonstrates that the new superconducting material MgB2 can be used well in superconducting magnet. Combined the Simulated Annealing Algorithm and GA with the optimization tools of ANSYS, the author finished the optimal design of 35kJ SMES made by MgB2, and get a solenoid models of new type.Finally, SMES based on single-solenoid structure produces an undesirable fringe magnetic field, which limits the application of SMES. The paper introduces several magnetic field shielding methods, and analyzes the connection between the parameters and magnetic performance. Considering the demands of engineering, the author finished the optimal design of two-solenoids, four-solenoids and six-solenoids, with two difference optimal aims.The traditional method of magnet design which just depends on basal electromagnetic theory is not only complicated but also not precise. The numerical calculation method using ANSYS which is introduced in this paper makes the design more quickly and reliably. In conclusion the numerical calculation method which is used in the design of SMES coil is more simple, precise and feasible.


