

Analysis of the Balance Principle in Our Lawsuit News Report

【作者】 石磊

【导师】 赵振宇;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 随着社会环境的日益宽松和新闻理念的更加进步,我国传媒在实践中愈来愈重视平衡原则。本文分析了我国新闻平衡原则运用的现状,认为在很多领域的报道中平衡原则得到了较好的应用,但是在诉讼案的报道中还存在严重的失衡现象。本文以“富士康3000万告记者”案的报道为例,经过分析,得出诉讼案报道失衡易造成媒体审判,影响司法公证,造成社会动荡,影响媒体公信力的结论。并从我国的传统观念、客观因素、记者的主观心理、经济利益关系方面分析诉讼案易报道失衡的原因。最后提出了保持诉讼案平衡的方法:媒体要明确定位,引导舆论,积极借鉴西方媒体的经验,加强法律意识并积极与司法界协调关系,同时加强媒体从业人员的责任感和媒体的行业自律。希望通过本文的分析,能推进平衡原则在诉讼案报道领域更好的运用,使我国在各个领域的新闻报道中都能很好的运用平衡原则。

【Abstract】 With the developing of free press in our country, our media put more concern on the balance of the news report. This article analyzes the status of the balance in our country’s news reports. And believe that the balance principle were well used in many areas expect suit report. With the analyses on reports of“Fu Shi Kang company suit reporter for 30,000,000 RMB”, the writer got conclusion that if reports lost there balance, they will cause media judgment instead of the law, and society turbulence with media trust lost. This article also analyses the reasons of that why the suit report easy lose balance and give its suggestions on how to keep report balance in the suit reports.

【关键词】 新闻报道平衡原则诉讼案报道
【Key words】 News reportBalance principleLawsuit report

