

Research & Application on Technology & Quality Management and the Quality Stability of Cold Roll Forming

【作者】 戚鹏

【导师】 袁建华;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 技术质量管理是近年来新兴的一门综合了质量管理理论和工程技术的交缘学科,其在企业研发、制造、销售以及客服等领域发挥了积极作用,赢得了愈来愈多企业经营者和研究人员的青睐。技术质量管理不等同于一般意义的质量管理或者是技术管理,而是指技术层面上的质量管理,利用更丰富的技术手段使企业设计、生产过程与质量管理层有效的衔接起来,以达到解决质量问题,稳定质量以及提高质量的目的。冷弯成型工艺距今已有百年的历史,但是由于产品品种繁多、生产过程影响因素多,理论解析十分困难,孔型和工具设计任务复杂,长期依靠经验和试验生产。从而对冷弯产品的质量管理不断提出新的挑战。将技术质量管理理论应用于冷弯成型工艺将是一次有益的尝试,不仅可以为冷弯成型的质量管理提供观念启发和技术支持,也将拓宽技术质量管理的工程应用领域。首先,本文介绍了质量管理及其发展历程,概述了辊式冷弯成型工艺及辊弯产品的质量管理的现状。其次,系统地阐述了技术质量管理理论,论述了技术质量管理所倡导的质量观及其主要研究内容,介绍了在工程实践中使用到的方法和工具。再者,以泛亚公司辊弯成型生产性为例,针对孔型设计和生产过程及设备两方面影响辊弯产品质量的因素进行分析。根据分析结果提出了解决辊弯产品质量不稳定问题的方案,并论证其可行性。介绍了方案实施情况,包括试验流程和数据分析方法及结果。提出了对试验方案的改进意见,并论述了其理论依据。最后,对全文进行总结,指出待改进的方面,并展望了技术质量管理理论的应用前景。

【Abstract】 As a new theory emerging in recent years, technology & quality management is integrated with traditional quality management and engineering technology, and earned a reputation of more and more business operators and researchers, because of its positive behavior in the design, manufacture, marketing and customer service areas of corporations. Technology & quality management is not tantamount to traditional quality management or technology management, but the technical level of quality management, More abundant means of technology to make enterprises design, production process and quality management effective convergence, in order to solve the quality problem, stable quality and quality improvement goals.Cold roll forming (CRF) has 100 years of history, but because of product variety and factors affecting the production process, it is very difficult for theoretical analysis and tools & roll pass design, relying on the experience and long-term production test. So it is a challenge for the quality management of CRF products.To apply technology & quality management theory to CRF will be a useful attempt, not only can provide with inspiration and technical support to quality management, but also will broaden the project management application of technology & quality management.First, this paper introduced quality management and its development course, and overviewed CRF technology and its product quality management status.Second, elaborated technology & quality Management theory, discussed the quality conception advocated by technology & quality Management and its main content, and introduced the practice in the use of methods and tools.Moreover, analyzed the factors affecting product quality including roll pass design, production process and equipment, considering CRF product line in CIS corporation as an example. Suggested a solution for product quality problems based on analysis results, and demonstrated its feasibility. Introduced the implementation of the program, including laboratory procedures and data analysis methods and results. Improved the program and discussed its theoretical basis.Finally, summarized all the work, suggested the aspects for improvement, and forecasted the future of technology & quality management.


