

Research on the Legal System of Technology Import and Export of China after Entering the WTO

【作者】 马小明

【导师】 易继明;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 民商法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化和贸易自由化进程的加快,进出口数量配额等非关税措施日益受到约束和限制。相反,以技术法规、技术标准、认证制度、检验制度为主要内容的技术性贸易措施对国际贸易自由发展的影响越来越大。而这些措施在各国独立的政治、经济利益的驱动下,又不免被滥用。虽然我国的技术进出口工作有了长足的发展,但是,我国关于技术进出口管理方面法制却不健全、不完善。原有的法律、法规已不能适应当前和今后我国技术进出口管理工作的需要;有些内容也不符合世界贸易组织(WTO)《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》(TRIPS)的有关规定。本文在对技术进出口的一般问题进行分析的基础上,对WTO框架下与技术进出口有关的国际条约,如TRIPS协议、《TBT协议》、《SPS协议》、《ITA协议》的等条约的具体规定进行了梳理,并从这些条约对我国进出口造成的影响、利弊权衡等问题入手进行了分析。继而在全面反思、清理我国企业的技术进出口现状、存在的问题以及我国技术进出口市场未来发展趋势和发展需求的基础上,对我国《对外贸易法》、《技术进出口管理条例》等主要技术进出口法律法规在实践适用中存在的若干缺陷和问题进行了深入剖析。最后,本文从健全我国技术进出口法律法规、建立起我国先进的技术标准体系、全面提高我国参与制定国际技术标准的能力、、实现引进市场多元化、技术引进和技术出口要走引进-吸收-创新出口-之路等五个方面对我国技术进出口的未来发展提出了建议。

【Abstract】 Accompanied with the speed up of economic globalization and the pace of free trade, the non-custom Barrier, such as import quotas, has been restricted increasingly. On the contrast, the technical measures to trade, which take technical rules, technical standard, certification system, inspection system as its main contents, has impacted the free development of international trade. And these measures cannot avoid to be abused by the power of respective political and economic interests of varies countries. Although the import and export of our country has developed greatly, the system of the administration on import and export is not perfect. The current laws and regulations cannot meet the need of the administration on import and export, also some items of it cannot accord with the rules of TRIPS under WTO frame. The article analyzed the concrete rules of some international treaties related to the technology Import and export under WTO frame, such as the TRIPs, the TBT, the SPS and the ITA on the foundation of analyzing some basic issues of technology import and export. The article also analyzed the effects, advantage and disadvantage on our technology import and export impacted by these international treaties. Then the author reflected the realities, the existent deficiencies, the future developing trend also with the needs of developing of China’s enterprises, and on this base, the author researched several deficiencies and problems of the‘Foreign Trade Law of the People’s Republic of China’and‘Regulations on Technology Import and Export Administration of the People’s Republic of China’in their application. In the end, the article put forward some suggestions on the future development of the technology import and export of China from five aspects. That is, perfecting the laws and regulations on technology import and export of our country, establishing the advanced standard system of our country, improving our country’s abilities to participate in enacting international technological standards, achieving multi-import market, and taking the way of from introducing to absorbing then to innovating in technology import and export.


