

Analyze the Actuality and Problems Existing in Iraqi Postwar Construction of Democracy under the Dominance of America

【作者】 刘艳

【导师】 洪明;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 9·11事件之后,在中东地区推进民主化再一次成为美国朝野的核心话题。美国于2002年9月发表的“国家安全战略报告”全面提出了“先发制人”战略。继阿富汗战争之后,美国于2003年3月发动伊拉克战争,并一举推翻了萨达姆政权。随后,作为美国在中东地区推行民主的试验田,伊拉克国内的民主政治建设在美国的主导下步履蹒跚地进行。本文以民主的起源和发端为切入点,并从民主的本质入手,结合时事进展情况,对伊战后美国推进的伊拉克民主进程现状进行分析,指出伊拉克国内民主政治建设存在的问题,并探讨出现这些问题的原因。对于正确认识美国的真实战略意图,廓清发展中国家民主制建立的前提条件,理解和前瞻发展中国家民主政治建设的前景具有重要意义。围绕美国主导下的伊拉克民主政治建设这个主题,全文分五章进行了探讨和论述:第一章:对国内外有关伊拉克民主政治建设的研究现状进行了综述性的探索。首先总结了国内外专家、学者对于整个中东地区民主化所进行的研究,接着对国内外学者就伊拉克战争后的民主政治建设情况进行的研究进行了总结和综述。第二章:对民主的概念和本质进行界定。从民主的起源与发展、不同国家的学者对民主本质和标准的不同理解、以及民主制度的建立所需要的前提条件等几个方面进行阐述,对民主的本质进行了性质上的界定。第三章:阐述伊拉克战争后的民主进程和政治重建现状。首先回顾了美国“大中东计划”出台的过程,阐述了该计划所包含的具体内容,接着对美国主导下的伊拉克民主政治建设现状和伊拉克国内的社会现状进行分析,指出伊拉克民主政治建设过程中的困难和存在的问题。第四章:从伊拉克国内的主、客观实际情况入手,对制约伊拉克民主政治建设的诸因素进行分析和探讨。文中指出,受伊拉克国内经济发展水平、社会结构、政治结构等方面的制约,伊拉克的民主政治建设举步维艰。另外文章还从伊斯兰传统政治文化、强烈的反美民族主义情绪的激化、国家认同意识的缺乏等方面入手,对制约伊拉克民主进程的主观因素进行了详细的分析。第五章:结论部分。通过以上分析,文章作出结论认为,民主政治的建设需要成熟的前提条件,包括较高的经济发展水平、功能完善的政治系统和运行完善的政党制度以及相应的政治文化认同等等。并进一步指出民主必须根植于一个国家的内部,民主政治的建立是一个长期和不断深入的过程。

【Abstract】 After“9·11”incident, to push the democratization in Middle East becomes the core topic of the American government and out-party once again. In September 2002, the American government issued“the national security strategy report”, which ultimately proposed strategy of“Preemptive Strike”. After the Afghan war, US started the Iraqi war in March 2003, and overthrew the Saddam regime rapidly. As an example of democratization in Middle East, Iraq has being awkwardly processing the construction of democracy, which was dominated by United States. Combining the development of current affairs, this paper start with the essence of democracy, and then analyze the situations of Iraqi postwar democracy construction. We point out the existing problems in the construction of Iraqi democracy, also we discuss the reason resulting in these problems. All these are very important to recognize the real intent of American, to find out what preconditions needed in the construction of democracy in developing countries, and to forecast the prospect of democracy construction in developing countries.Surrounding the topic of Iraqi democracy construction which process under the lead of the America, this paper involves five chapters:Chapter One: Researches the current studying situation on Iraqi democracy construction. Firstly, it summarized domestic and overseas researches on democratization in the Middle East. Then specify domestic and overseas researches on postwar political reconstruction in Iraq.Chapter Two: Qualify the concept and the essence of democracy. It involves following aspects: the origin and the development of democracy, the understanding on the essence of democracy of scholars in different countries, the preconditions needed in the construction of democracy, and so on. Then qualify the character of democracy.Chapter Three: We discuss the actuality of postwar political reconstruction in Iraq. Firstly, we reviewed the process of putting forward the“Greater Middle East Initiative”, discuss what content involved in this program. Then analyze Iraqi domestic social actuality and democracy construction under the lead of the America. We point out the difficulties and existing problems in the construction of democracy.Chapter Four: Basing on the objective and subjective actuality in Iraq, we analyze some factors which hinder Iraq from constructing democratic system. As the restriction of economic level、social structure、political structure and so on, the paper point out that Iraq walk with difficulty on the road of constructing democracy. Besides, we also figure that there exist some subjective conditions which restrict Iraq democracy construction, such as the traditional Islamic political culture, the radical nationalism against United States, the lacking of consciousness of Nation-identity.Chapter Five: Conclusions. From the above analysis, we draw the conclusion to believe that the construction of democracy demand mature precondition, which involves higher economic level、consummate political system and corresponding political culture. Then we further point out that democracy must be rooted in the interior. The construction of democracy is a long-term and gradual process.

【关键词】 美国伊拉克民主政治建设问题
【Key words】 AmericaIraqconstruction of democracyproblems

