

The Research of the SATA Interface and Key Technologies of Object-based Storage Controller

【作者】 刘勋

【导师】 冯丹;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 计算机系统结构, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着存储需求的增加及存储应用日益复杂,以块为基础的存储接口已限制了存储系统的发展,以对象为基础的存储接口应运而生。对象级接口是块级接口和文件级接口的完美结合,具有安全性、跨平台操作性、高性能和智能化的特点,但是对象级接口智能化的管理和复杂存储协议的解析使对象存储控制器的负荷加重,为了提高对象存储系统的性能,进行了对象存储控制器的硬件设计与研究。基于现场可编程门阵列FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array),使用交换式的Avalon总线与RISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computer)型的NiosII处理器,设计对象存储控制器的总体架构;基于可编程片上系统技术,用硬件描述语言实现串行高级连接技术SATA(Serial Advanced Technology Attachment)协议与光纤通道底层协议的部分功能;基于IP(Intellectual Property)核,并采用锁相环进行分频倍频,实现了DDR内存控制器及其时钟电路;基于实时操作系统ucLinux,并采用硬件抽象层技术屏蔽硬件细节,在软件层次上实现面向对象存储协议。进行循环冗余校验CRC(Cyclic Redundancy Check)算法的优化与扰码(Scrambling)算法的优化,通过资源复用提高空间并行度,以更多的组合逻辑资源换取更高的性能;对SATA链路层的大型状态机进行切割,运用流水线原理提高时间并行度,以更多的寄存器资源换取更高的性能。进行功能仿真与时序仿真,确保在功能正确的前提下,硬件的工作频率得到提高,系统的性能得到提升。

【Abstract】 With the requirement for storage and the complicate application of storage, the block-based storage interfaces have blocked the development of storage system, the Object-based Storage interfaces come out and feed the needs. The Object-based Storage is the combination of block-based storage and file-based storage and is known as security, scalability, high-performance and intelligence, but the Object-based Storage Controller becomes the bottleneck because of the intelligent management and the complicate protocol decode. In order to overcome this status and improving the performance of the Object-based Storage System, the hardware design of Object-based Storage Controller is studied in detailed.Based on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), finished the overall design with the Avalon switch fabric and the NiosII processor which is of RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) architecture. Based on SOPC (System on Programble Chip) technology, implement the SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) protocol and the low-level protocol of FC (Fibre-channel) in HDL language. Based on the IP (Intellectual Property) core and finished the frequency division and muplication with PLL (Phase-locked Loop), implement the DDR memory controller and the timing circuit. Based on the ucLinux RTOS and the HAL (Hardware Abstract Level) technology, implement the Object-Based Storage protocol on the software level.Taking the optimizing of CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) algorithm and scrambling algorithm as an example, describe the method of improving the frequency and performance through resource-replication; taking the division of large state-machine in the link layer of SATA protocol as an example, describe the method of improving the frequency and performance through time-interleaving and pipelining.


