

Research on the Direct Requests of the Third Party in Liability Insurance

【作者】 朱张军

【导师】 蓝寿荣;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 民商法, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 责任保险第三人直接请求权,是指责任保险的第三人依照法律规定或合同约定请求保险人直接给付保险赔偿金的权利。现代责任保险以保护受害第三人利益为终极目标,责任保险第三人直接请求权制度作为保护受害第三人利益的最有力手段,得到世界各主要国家和地区立法的肯定,我国法律对此制度也作了相关规定。本文以责任保险第三人直接请求权为研究对象,在一般理论分析、制度功能、法理基础等方面做出多角度多层次的探讨,并在此基础上,就我国关于责任保险第三人直接请求权的相关立法规定和实践做法,作了检讨,提出了完善我国责任保险第三人直接请求权制度的理论和立法建议,以期更好地保护责任保险受害第三人和社会大众的利益。全文除引言和结论外,共分为四章。第一章是关于责任保险第三人直接请求权的一般理论分析,主要介绍了第三人直接请求权的概念、性质和第三人行使请求权的责任基础和责任范围。第二章论述了责任保险第三人直接请求权的制度功能,鉴于传统责任保险对第三人利益保护的忽视,现代责任保险基于保护第三人利益的理念,发挥了第三人直接请求权的制度功能。我国理论和实务界对第三人直接请求权制度功能的挖掘有待进一步深入,立法上需要完善。第三章阐述了责任保险第三人直接请求的法理基础,通过分析该制度的负面影响和合理化理由,巩固了责任保险第三人直接请求权制度的理论支撑。第四章论述了责任保险第三人直接请求权制度的适用,着重对第三人直接请求权的行使内容、主体、条件以及适用所遭遇的抗辩等进行了探讨,最后立足于该制度的功能和法理基础,对我国立法提出了些许建设性的意见。

【Abstract】 The direct requests of the third party in liability insurance provides the third person in liability insurance the right of requesting the payment of insurance compensation, in accordance with the law or contract. The ultimate goal of the modern liability insurance is protecting the interest of the third party. As the most powerful tool to protect the third part,the direct requests of the third party in liability insurance was used in the legislation by the major countries and regions.The dissertation analyzs the basic theories,functions and fundamental principles ascribed to the direct requests of the third party in liability insurance,and makes comments on the revised version of the relevant legislation of direct requests of the third party in liability insurance towards the coming applications,both in academic constructions and in the practice. Besides the introduction and the conclusion, this paper is composed of four following chapters.Chapter one describes the basic theories of the direct requests of the third party in liability insurance. It is an introduction of the regulation concerning the definition, nature, the basis of liability and responsibility.Chapter two focuses on the functions. Being different from the traditional liability insurance in the neglect of protecting the interest of the third party, the modern liability insurance plays a important part in protecting the third person, using the theory of the direct requests of the third party.Chapter three draws on fundamental principles of the direct requests of the third party in liability insurance. By analyzing the negative impact and the reasonable reasons of the system, we consolidated theories support of the direct requests of the third party in liability insurance.Chapter four makes comments on the coming applications of the direct requests of the third party in liability insurance. This part examines the principal parts, applications and the counteraction which the third party encountered when he uses his direct request rights ect. And then points out the shortcomings of our regulations, both in academic constructions and in the practice.


