

A Study on the Scope Economies of Commercial Banks in China

【作者】 杨雪

【导师】 张建华;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 世界经济, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文的主旨在于对我国银行业范围经济进行理论分析并在此基础上对中国商业银行的范围经济进行实证检验。范围经济能够清楚的刻画银行业提供多种业务的成本收益状况,对银行业范围经济的研究可以为目前我国银行业全面对外开放而面临的愈加严厉的竞争格局及银行并购提供说明,也能为金融业的混业经营提供解释和证明。银行业的范围经济既是一个理论问题,也是一个实证问题,既要从理论上分析,也要求利用现实数据对理论进行实证检验。因此,本文首先从微观经济学中的投入产出理论、交易成本理论以及信息经济学等角度分析银行业范围经济存在的理论依据,然后在此基础上对中国商业银行范围经济进行实证检验,把定性分析与定量分析相结合。最后根据理论与实证检验分析的结果,通过与国际上银行业范围经济状况的横向比较,结合中国商业银行所处的现实环境,提出改善中国商业银行范围经济的建议。中国商业银行范围经济实证检验的结果表明,从总体上看,我国银行业存在明显的范围经济,范围经济与银行的资产规模没有必然的联系,这说明存贷款、多种业务种类及投资由一家银行提供比由三家银行各提供一种能获得更大收益;国有商业银行范围经济稍劣于全国性股份制商业银行,这于近年来国有商业银行的改革逐渐见成效有很大联系;同一银行对不同业务的范围经济不相同,不同银行对于同一业务的范围经济也不同。从时间趋势上来看,范围经济有逐渐变好的倾向。这反映出我国对银行业管制的放松和银行业技术的进步使银行业范围经济的特征日益明显。据此,中国商业银行范围经济优势的获得可从以下几方面着手:①加强内部控制,完善商业银行治理机构,形成发展范围经济的平台;②允许商业银行适度混业经营,建立以银行控股公司为主的混业经营过渡模式;③建立完善的以客户经理制为基础的人才战略;④加大科技投入,提高金融创新能力,形成以非利差收入为主的收入结构。

【Abstract】 Based on the theoretical analyses of scope economies for the banking industry, this paper examines china’s situation empirically. Scope economies of the banking clearly describes the cost-revenue when banks offer sorts of products and operations. The relevant research on this can explain not only the bank’s mergers and takeovers under the increasingly tougher competition after the comprehensive opening of China’s banking industry, but the hybrid operation of financial industry.Scope economies are a theoretical and empirical problem, which requires theoretical analyses and the corresponding empirical tests. Therefore some microeconomic knowledge, such as input-output theory, transaction cost economics and information economies, is its theoretical foundation. On the basis of that, China’s banking is empirically tested, which combines qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Then, through the horizontal comparison between the scope economies of the international banking industry and of China’s banking industry, the paper gives some suggestions of reformation.The empirical result shows that scope economies do exist in China as a whole. There are no definitely relationship between scope economies and asset size of the bank, which demonstrates that loans, deposits, various businesses and investment are more profiting when being offered by a single bank than by there. Moreover, scope economies are a litter significant in Joint-stock commercial banks than that in state-owned ones, linked with the increasingly effective reforms in recent years. Thirdly, different banks have different scope economies on different businesses. Finally, in view of the tendency, scope economies of China’s commercial banks are getting better. It implies both the relaxations of China’s controls on the banking industry and the technical progress have enabled the scope economies of China’s banking industry obviously. Implications for China are following: firstly, Strengthening the internal control, improving corporate governance institutions of the commercial banks and forms the platform for scope economy. Secondly, allowing commercial banks appropriate mixed operations, and establishing mixing industry management pattern primarily by bank holding. Thirdly, establishing and improving the talent strategy based on customer manager system. Finally, increasing investment in science and technology, raising financial innovation ability, and building customer demand-oriented service platform so as to form a different income structure.

【关键词】 商业银行范围经济银行改革
【Key words】 Commercial BankScope EconomiesBank Transformation

