

Study on Safety Control Method of Side Slope of Stratified and Decency Gravel Rock

【作者】 王若亚

【导师】 何漓江;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着西部大开发战略的加快,公路的修建越来越多,其中高等级的高速公路修建尤为重中之重。而高速公路路堑边坡的开挖,对公路周边的地质体和生态环境都必然会造成重大影响,如果不查清这些影响并采取有效措施,将会对该高速公路的建设和运营带来严重后果。所以对高速公路路堑边坡安全保障对策的提出就显得十分重要。论文首先总结了边坡工程研究和治理的国内外发展概况,特别是有限差分数值分析法和预应力锚固法的发展概况。然后系统地阐述和分析了路堑边坡稳定性研究理论,包括路堑边坡稳定性的主要因素,路堑边坡的主要破坏形式和路堑边坡边坡稳定性的主要分析方法等。这些为之后进行的数值模拟工作中结果分析做好理论基础工作。接着以宝天高速公路BT——17合同段为依托,在分析工程背景的基础上,通过现场土工试验和岩石试验结果,结合规范和各种资料,根据经验折减得到数值分析时所使用的力学参数以及其他计算条件。结合地质分析和地质分析所得到的参数,采用快速拉格朗日差分法,通过对原始状态边坡的边坡稳定性数值分析,得到原始状态下边坡的滑裂面等。在这些基础上,第5章提出了边坡的安全保障对策。由于目前对边坡地质安全保障措施的效果分析拥有比较成熟的条件,因此在第6章对此进行了效果评价,得出边坡得到以上对策保障后,完全达到高速公路路堑边坡的安全需求,并且对策方案是较为经济合理的。

【Abstract】 With the acceleration of implementing the Great Western Development Strategy, constructions of highway will be more, especially super highway. At the same time ,the excavation of super highway’s slope had grave influences in it’s blocky and environment .If we do not study these influences and take operative measures ,it will have grave consequences when construct and operate super highway. So ,it’s very important to bring up safety control method of side slope .This paper firstly give a summary of the development of side slope and the manage of side slope, especially analyze the finite difference method and prestressed anchorage method. Then systematically explain and analyze the stability theory of side slope, including the factors, destruction forms and analysis methods in the stability theory.Secondly, depending on BT-17 contract section of BaoTian super highway, based on analyze the background of this construction, get by series experimentations, norms and experiences ,then we have the mechanics parameter and other parameters for the numerical calculation. With the Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua method, through the numerical calculation for original state of this slope that based on geology analyze and series parameters , we have the slope’s sliding surface .Based on these dates and analyzes ,it bring up safety control method of side slope ,and make an evaluation for the geology safety control which we have the conditions now. And it’s safety meanwhile economically to take these methods for this side slope.

  • 【分类号】U417.1
  • 【下载频次】67

