

Study of Laboratory Cochlear Implant

【作者】 王亮伟

【导师】 龙长才;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 理论物理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 人工耳蜗(cochlear implant, CI )是一种能够帮助重度或全聋患者恢复部分听力的电子装置。此装置能把声音信号转变为电信号并直接刺激螺旋神经节细胞,从而产生听觉。尽管现有电子耳蜗已达到一定的听力康复效果,但其技术有待改进,性能还有待提高。为进一步探索更为有效的编码策略和电子耳蜗的电刺激模式,本研究对用于该目的的实验室电子耳蜗进行研究。论文介绍了进行电子耳蜗电生理实验所需的仪器设备及其应用,重点介绍了自行设计制作的实验用电子耳蜗电流刺激器的原理及性能,其中计算机是获取并处理外界信息的唯一设备,它身兼人工电子耳蜗结构中的体外麦克风和言语处理器的双重功能,却不是收集声音和对声音进行电刺激信号的转化,而是在计算机上根据预先设定好的刺激方案编写相应程序,通过强大的程序编译,它能够配合各种语音处理策略,生成任意刺激波形。其更高的刺激速率,更宽泛的刺激强度范围以及输出波形的灵活性使它既能够符合原有刺激策略对刺激器的要求,又能够承担开发新策略的任务,为电子耳蜗的编码研究,听神经的信号传输研究搭建了一个硬件平台,为国内该领域的研究工作者提供了一个研究方案。我们进行了电子耳蜗生理实验的尝试,在高斯白噪声刺激下进行了单根听神经发放信号的采集,试验结果是令人鼓舞的。

【Abstract】 Cochlear implant is an electronic device that could restore partial hearing ability of people with profoundly binaural deaf. The cochlear implant converts an acoustic signal to an electrical signal which is delivered to electrodes implanted in the cochlea, effectively causing direct stimulation of the spiral ganglion cell. This study investigated the laboratory cochlear implant and introduced the equipment used for electrophysiological experimentation of cochlea implant, and mainly introduced the principle and capability of laboratory cochlea implant stimulator which was designed by ourselves. Computer is the only equipment to obtain and process exterior sound information. It acts both as microphone and speech processor which were part of cochlear implants. Stimulator is capable of forming random wave which could operate with various strategies depending on the program compiled beforehand on the computer. The capability of high rate electrical stimulation, great range of current and flexible output of wave meet not only the requirement of existing strategies, but also the requirement of exploring new strategies. This study built a platform for the investigation of cochlear implants strategy and transmission of auditory nerve signal, and provided a research project for this field.We completed the electrophysiological experimentation of cochlea implant, and did a recording of single auditory nerve signal. The result is inspiring.

  • 【分类号】R764
  • 【下载频次】63

