

The Present State and Solution to Internal Allowance Distribution in Colleges and Universities

【作者】 冯瑞银

【导师】 李录堂; 程永安;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农村与区域发展, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪末本世纪初,我国高校普遍建立了校内津贴分配制度,经过近十年的实践,该项制度的积极作用、负面影响引起了社会广泛关注和深入思考。在政府2006年进行的分配制度改革中,把校内津贴纳入到了工资体系之中,从制度设计上校内津贴将以绩效工资的形态出现。但目前高校内部津贴分配制度仍在普遍实施,绩效工资尚未到位,如何使校内津贴制度顺利过渡到绩效工资制度,如何保障未来的绩效工资制度健康发展,避免校内津贴分配制度的不足,成为人们关注的热点。本文通过对高校内部津贴分配制度进行系统研究,理性认识其效果与不足,客观揭示内在规律,对规范校内分配制度、深化工资分配制度改革具有重要意义。运用了统计分析法、经验归纳法、比较分析法、文献资料法、辩证分析等多种方法对大量数据、近百所高校的内部分配方案进行了研究,从当前社会大背景出发对高校内部津贴产生背景、现状、效果与不足、发展趋势和对策等方面进行了系统的研究。以全国多所高校津贴方案为对象,对科研业绩津贴总体水平进行了归纳性研究,并以河北省为例对高校津贴人均发放总体水平和岗位津贴标准水平进行了综合性研究,概括出了我国校内津贴分配制度的结构模式和津贴标准的数字化轮廓。提出了校内津贴分配要素的概念,并根据其内涵、存在形态和对组织目标的贡献方式等因素,将其分为人力资本要素、劳动成果要素、岗位责任要素、福利性要素、市场稀缺要素五类,通过津贴分配要素从深层次揭示了各类校内津贴的经济学基础。客观总结了校内津贴分配制度,在提高教师待遇、稳定人才吸引人才、促进人事制度全面改革方面所起的积极作用;明确指出了校内津贴分配的盲目性问题,激励成本过高、激励效果降低问题,整体人事制度发展不和谐问题,并对深层次原因进行了剖析。为了规范校内津贴分配、深化工资制度改革,保障校内津贴(绩效工资)科学核定,提出了超额劳动绩效津贴(工资)和劳动贡献异质性绩效津贴(工资)概念,并提出了通过生师比、同质人力资源市场价、学校的层次系数、毕业生的社会影响因子、生产力发展影响因子等系数计算超额劳动津贴(工资)、劳动贡献异质性绩效津贴(津贴)总额的方法。对下一步绩效工资的科学分配有很强的指导作用。提出了政府要对高校内部津贴(绩效工资)分配制度加强指导,实施监控,确保规范、有序;要推行人事制度全面改革,保障津贴(绩效工资)制度与其他人事制度协调、健康发展;高校要加强教职工考核体系建设、价值观念教育等系统策略性观点、措施。

【Abstract】 At the end of the 20th century and at the beginning of this century,the system of the internal allowance distribution was set up in colleges and universities of our country. After 10-year practice,the positive effect and unfavorable influence drew the public attention and thinking.In the reform of distribution system conducted in 2006,the internal allowance was brought into the wage system.The internal allowance will emerge in the system design as the form of performance pay.But at the present,the internal allowance distribution system is still commonly carried out in Colleges and universities,the performance pay is still not conducted.It has become a focus that how to make the internal allowance system have a smooth transition to the performance pay,and how to ensure that the future system of performance pay should develop healthily to avoid the deficiency of the internal allowance distribution system the article,after the systematic study on the internal allowance distribution system,cogitates its effect and deficiency,objectively shows its internal regular pattern,has a significant sense on regulating the internal distribution system,furthering the reform of wage distribution system.It has studied a large quantity of data,part internal distribution in nearly 100 colleges and universities by statistic analysis,inductive method of experience,comparative analysis, documents textual research,etc.and has systematically studied the background,present condition,effect and deficiency,development trend and solution of the internal allowance in colleges and universities,Taking the allowance plan in many colleges and universities as the object,it has conducted inductive study on the general level of achievements of scientific research,and taking Hebei Province as an example,it has conducted comprehensive study on general level of internal allowance distribution per person and standard level of job subsidy,it has categorized the structure pattern of the internal allowance distribution system and digital outline of allowance standard.It has put forward the concept of essential factors of internal allowance distribution,and according to its intension,existential form and contribution of organization target etc.classify them into five factors such as manpower capital factor,factor or fruit of labor,factor of post responsibility,factor of welfare,and factor of market scarce,etc..and it has revealed the basis of economics of the internal allowance in depth by the factor of allowance distribution.It has objectively summarized the internal allowance distribution system.It has played a positive role in improving teachers’ treatment,stabilizing qualified personnel and bringing in talents,and promoting overall personnel system reform.It has clearly pointed out the blind problem in the internal allowance distribution,the problem of overhigh boosting cost,and reducing boosting effect,the problem of not harmonious development of personnel system, and has analyzed the causes in depth.In order to regulate the internal allowance distribution,deepen the reform of wage system ensure the scientific regulation of the internal allowance(performance pay),it has put forward the concept of overfull labor allowance(wage) of performance job and heterogeneous performance pay(wage) for labor contribution,and also put forward the way of calculating overfull labor allowance(wage),and performance pay of labor contribution of different quality through the ratio between teachers and students,market price of human resources of same quality,coefficient of college level,factor of graduates’ influence on the society,factor of influence on development of productive forces and so on.This has a strong guiding role on scientific distribution of performance pay.It has put forward that the nation will strengthen guidance and conduct monitor and control on the internal allowance(performance pay) to ensure its regulation and order,to carry out overall reform of personnel system to ensure harmonious and healthy development of allowance system(performance pay) and personnel system,colleges and universities should strengthen the view and measure of systematic tactics on check up system for teaching and administrative staff,education of values

【关键词】 高等学校津贴分配研究
【Key words】 colleges and universitiesallowance distributionstudy

