

Analysis of the Fenjiashan Reservoir Dam Monitoring Data and the Analysis of Strengthening Effect Stugying

【作者】 何万科

【导师】 辛全才;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 水利工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 冯家山水库作为一座碾压式均质土坝,经过了初期建设和除险加固改造,已安全运行三十多年,积累了丰富的监测资料,通过分析大坝监测资料,能够及时了解大坝的运行状态,为大坝安全运行提供信息。同时冯家山水库在省内的土石坝中,具有大坝监测自动化程度高、资料系列完整等特点,通过把大坝自动化监测资料和人工变形资料结合起来分析的方法,为类似土石坝的资料分析起到一定参考作用,而且经过加固改造以后,加固效果如何,可以通过数据分析去研判。在本文中分析对象有大坝浸润线的分析、绕坝渗流分析、渗流量分析、对大坝人工观测变形数据分析,一般分析方法有比较法、作图法、特征值统计法和数学模型法,在本文中主要采取比较法、作图法、数学模型法。通过上述方法对大坝渗流中渗流压力水位分析,浸润线分析,绕渗分析,渗流量分析,以及分析防渗灌浆对大坝渗流的影响,认为冯家山水库大坝渗流压力水位、浸润线、大坝绕渗、渗流量数据在合理的范围之内,目前大坝的性态是稳定的,未发现大的异常现象。特别经过除险防渗加固,绕坝渗流明显减小,防渗效果明显。当然从资料分析中亦能看出,大坝右肩裂隙较为发育,浸润线在部分区域较高,值得关注。通过对沉降数据进行分析,倾度值亦在极限值范围内,充分说明目前大坝运行从数据分析层面上是安全的。值得注意的是右坝肩迎水坡个别测点倾度虽未达到极限值,但计算出的倾度值明显较别处偏大,加之该处地质条件复杂,裂隙溶岩发育,因此对于大坝右肩观测出的资料,要及时分析,分析是否有新的裂缝产生。对大坝监测数据进行分析,对加固效果进行评价,一定要从全局的高度去看问题,因为一座大坝往往处在复杂的地理环境中,坝身、坝肩、坝坡的变形和渗流之间都存在着必然的内在联系,经过对冯家山水库大坝观测数据分析,对除险加固效果进行评价,要紧密贯彻几个结合(1))渗流压力分析要与渗流量分析相结合。(2))渗流数据分析与变形数据观测分析相结合,事物的变化都有其内在规律,渗流数据和变形数据不可割裂的相互影响着,因此,应用渗流和变形数据对大坝性态进行分析,对加固效果评价,一定要综合加以考虑。

【Abstract】 FengJiaShan reservoir has been the dyadic homogeneity of one roller compaction earth dam,initial stage construction has passed and has reformed except dangerous strengthening, safety has already run more than thirty years,has accumulated rich monitoring data,has been able to know dam operation state in time,provided information for dam safety works by analysing the dam monitoring data.In the simultaneous FengJiaShan reservoir soil stone dam within the province,have dam monitoring automation degree is high,the data series is entire wait for a characteristic,the method analysing by combining dam automation monioring data with manpower deformation data,be that similar soil stone dam data analysis plays arrive at certain reference role,and how,to be able to judge by the fact that data analysis goes to study course consolidating the effect reforming a hereafter,consolidating.In this paper,I analyzed dam soakage curve、dam’s bypass seepage、seepage discharge. As Deformation of the dam observation data analysis,there are many general analysis method, for instance,comparison method、plotting method、statistics law of characteristic value and mathematical model method.In this paper,mainly use the first three methodsUsing upper methods,analysis dam’s seepage pressure、soakage curve、dam’s bypass seepage、seepage discharge and the effect of impervious grouting.It is clear that all data are in a reasonable scope.At present dam is stable,found no major anomalies.In particular through the danger control and reinforcement,significantly reducing flow bypass seepage,there has a obvious effect of anti-seepage.Of course,it can be seen from the analysis,dam right shoulder has a developing fracture,soakage curve higher in some regional.These are worthy of attention.Through the settlement data analysis,the inclination of value within the limit,fully shows that the current operation of the dam from the data analysis level is safe.It is worth noting that individual measurement points of the right abutment facing water slope not reached the inclination of limits,but to calculate the inclination of value larger than elsewhere, In addition,the complicated geological conditions,fissures Karst development,for the dam to the right shoulder observation data,it is necessary to timely analysis of whether there are new cracks. Analyzing the dam monitoring data and evaluating the effect of strengthening we must look at the problem as a whole,because of a dam in the complex geographical environment, the dam body,abutment,the slope of the deformation and seepage will inevitably exist intrinsic relation.By that the dam observes data analysis to FengJiaShan reservoir and evaluate the reinforcement of the results,it is vital to carry out a few key points:(1)Conjoint analysis of the seepage pressure and analysis of the seepage flow change.(2) Conjoint analysis of deformation and seepage data observation.The object change is all having whose inherent law,the seepage data and the deformation data are influencing each other.Therefore,using seepage and deformation data to analyze the dam of state,evaluating the effect of reinforcement,we must be considered comprehensive.

  • 【分类号】TV698.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】214

